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Forests programme

Within SLU's Forests programme there is a wealth of knowledge and experience about both Swedish and international forest-based environmental analysis.

Inka Bohlin and Anna-Lena Axelsson. Portrait photo.

Forests programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Contact us.

Anna-Lena Axelsson, coordinator (to the right)
anna-lena.axelsson@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)90-786 85 91, +46-(0)70-376 21 71
Department of Forest Resource Management, SLU

Inka Bohlin, assist. coordinator (to the left)
inka.bohlin@slu.se, tel. +46(0)90-786 81 06
Department of Forest Resource Management, SLU

Official statistics on Forests

Find the latest official statistics about the status and change in Sweden's forests from the Swedish National Forest Inventory.

A man in a forest

Statistics about the status and change in Sweden's forest soils

The Swedish Forest Soil Inventory carries out soil surveys and monitors the soil environmental status.


Target-tailored forest damage inventories

Tailored inventories targeting specific pest outbreaks. In recent years, damage caused by spruce bark beetles and damage to young forests have been inventoried.

Inventering av granbarkborreskadat träd

Easier to find SLU's official forest statistics

SLU's official statistics on the state and changes of forests are now also published on the dataportals of Sweden and EU.

SLU Maps

Here you'll find various maps developed by SLU, using data from our Environmental monitoring and assessment.

Button map

ENFIN network becomes formal organisation

For more than 20 years, European forest inventories have collaborated under the ENFIN umbrella. The ENFIN network has now become a formal organisation, marking a milestone on the road to a common NFI infrastructure.

Published: 16 December 2024 - Page editor: fomaredaktion@slu.se