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SLU Maps

Maps developed by SLU using data from our environmental monitoring and assessments. New maps are continuously added.

National Forest Attribute Maps

The Forest attribute maps are maps describing the forests and ground.

forest attribute maps

SLU Forest Map

Raster maps with information about Sweden’s woodlands and forests such as volume and tree species.

Aerial shot forest

Soil Moisture Maps

Comprehensive soil moisture data over the forest floor.

map soil moisture

Carbon Maps

Nationwide maps of carbon stocks and carbon stock changes in soil and living underground biomass.

carbon map

SLU Ditch Maps

SLU Ditch Maps are high-resolution maps created using artificial intelligence (AI).

ditch map

Peat Maps

The peat maps are based on nearly 5,500 measurements of the thickness of the organic layer measured in the Swedish soil inventory.

peat map
Published: 19 June 2024 - Page editor: henrik.j.persson@slu.se