A Non-Toxic Environment programme
We provide decision support and expertise in the work towards a non-toxic environment in Sweden. The data from our monitoring programmes contributes to the overall picture of the environmental status regarding hazardous substances. We also assess the risks with hazardous substances and their effects, and support the work with Sweden's international comittments on environmental pollutants.

A Non-Toxic Environment programme
Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Contact us.
Gunnar Carlsson, coordinator (to the left)
gunnar.carlsson@slu.se, tel. +4618671145, +46704032926
Department of Biomedical Science and Veterinary Public Health
Alina Koch, assist. coordinator (to the right) alina.koch@slu.se, tel. +4618673064, +46720082370
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment

Drinking water and health
SLU develops knowledge to support decision makers and the water services industry in their work to achieve safer drinking water and water treatment. Learn from our current knowledge.

Networks and expert groups
SLU is one of 13 universities forming the Swedish Academic Consortium for Chemical Safety (SwACCS). We also participate in the Toxicological Council (Toxikologiska rådet) of Sweden. Furthermore our experts contribute to the Water JPI Knowledge Hub on Contaminants of Emerging Concern, supporting decision makers and the water services industry in Europe.
SLU is also a node in the newly formed Swedish Environmental Epidemiology Center (SEEC), building on capacities and knowledge of four universities.