Data description

River mouths

Last changed: 19 June 2024

The Monitoring Programme “River mouths” investigates the water chemistry of 47 major rivers that flow into the sea. The aim is to produce fundamental data describing the condition of the most significant river mouths, and to evaluate the transport of various substances to the sea through our main watercourses. Many of the watercourses have unbroken time series since the 1960s.

The results are also used to investigate changes over time in the bulk runoff from Sweden, and to evaluate hazard images and provide a foundation for actions to reduce impact on the sea. Long time series are of particular value for tracking effects of climate change, and predicting future changes.

The measurements contribute to the evaluation of Sweden's environmental objectives, and are used within the EU Water Framework Directive, for reporting to the European Environment Agency EEA, and for the monitoring programmes under the Helsinki Convention (HELCOM) and OSPAR.

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Data can be downloaded from Miljödata MVM.