Data description

Soil and crop inventory

Last changed: 21 August 2024

The aim of the inventory is to describe the condition of Swedish agricultural land and the quality of the crop in relation to the condition of the land, cultivation measures and management practices.

Since 2001, the programme has included around 2,000 fixed sample sites evenly distributed over the country's arable land. At each site, topsoil is sampled every 10 years. If the crop at the site at the time of sampling is autumn wheat, spring barley or oats, a core sample is also taken. At each sample site, a one-off sampling of the subsoil has also been carried out.

For topsoil samples, total carbon and nitrogen, carbonate carbon, pH, exchangeable cations, plant nutrients (K-AL, K-HCl, P-AL, P-HCl) and trace elements are analysed. The content of the main macronutrients and trace elements is determined on the plant samples. So far, only soil analyses have been carried out on the samples from the fixed sites.

The dataset also contains information on Al-AL and Fe-AL in the topsoil, which means that phosphorus binding capacity can be estimated.

For half of the sites sampled in the 1990s, data on pH, trace elements and P-HCl are available from topsoil samples.

Download data

Data can be downloaded from Miljödata MVM.