City: Uppsala
HOW CAN THE NEXT GENERATION OF AGRIBUSINESSES SUPPORT THE TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE? Successful young agripreneurs share their views on sustainable agriculture, highlighting their experiences in starting and building their businesses. An opportunity to discuss solutions and support mechanisms to attract young people to agriculture.
Attracting young people into agriculture in times of climate change and supporting them in their journey to successful agribusinesses remains a huge challenge. Can the transition to sustainable agriculture become an opportunity? This session will bring together young representatives from the agriculture and food sectors from different countries who are successfully active in various parts of the agri-food value chain. They will share their views on sustainable agriculture and highlight their experiences in starting and building their businesses.
Together with the participants, they will discuss solutions to attract other young people to agriculture and to generate agri-businesses throughout the value chain. This will include how different support mechanisms can be improved to become more effective and accessible to other young agripreneurs in order to successfully transform to sustainable agriculture and food systems. The event will feature young working with agriculture.
Introduction by Per Callenberg, State Secretary to the Minister for Rural Affairs, Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Sweden
Agnes Jörgensen, the Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF), Sweden
Nikki Pilania, Chaudhary Agriculture Services Pvt. LTD. Pilibhit, India
Mashiri Zvarimwa, European Commission- Task Force Rural Africa, South Africa
Carlos Castellanos, Cultivando Futuro, Colombia
Anna Hovhannisyan, Chir's House and YPARD, Armenia
Closing remarks by Sylvie Aubert , Chair Person of Swiss FAO Committee.
Moderators: Tom Anyonge, IFAD and Ileana Grandelis, FAO.This event is part of the 46th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS 46).