City: Uppsala
Location: Tammsalen Ecology Centre
Tammsalen Ecology Centre, Uppsala
What do ecologists have to do to be more effective at dealing with conflict and at conserving biodiversity? You will learn more about that if you attend this Tamm seminar by Stephen Redpath.
Stephen Redpath is an expert in conservation science and an August T Larsson Guest Researcher at SLU.
Over the course of his career, he has been exploring how we understand and manage the conflicts that threaten biodiversity conservation. This research has forced him to question his original approach, to reframe how he thinks about conservation and to rethink how we do science in these debates. Sometimes this has been challenging and sometimes uncomfortable. In this talk he want to explore where he have gone wrong and why and how this can improve our work in the future.
A couple of years ago Stephen Redpath held the lecture Finding Solutions to Wildlife Conflicts at SLU.