City: Uppsala
Location: Tammsalen, Ekologicentrum
Tammsalen, Ekologicentrum, Uppsala
James is a PhD student at the Department of Crop Production Ecology. The ultimate goal of his research is to facilitate the exploitation of mixed species to its full potential and encourage a more sustainable food production. Welcome to James halftime seminar.
Cropping systems diversity is known to promote ecosystem services through positive plant-plant interaction. Specifically, the use of legumes in cereal-legume based species mixtures (or plant teams) have been associated to increased yield and improved grain quality through a better utilization of nitrogen and other resources. In this project the potential of crop mixtures to efficiently utilize nitrogen, with and without crop-weed competition for nitrogen, is explored with the example of pea-barley and faba bean-wheat plant teams field-grown under Swedish conditions. Additionally, Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM, v. 7.10) plant growth model will be used to identify trait combinations and farmer practices that optimize yield gains from mixed species.