City: Uppsala
Location: Loftet
Organiser: SLU Global and SLU Future Food
Last signup date: 18 September 2019
Loftet, Uppsala
Prominent researchers in soil and water resources, land use systems, livestock production, power and poverty dimensions will present state-of-the-art synthesis of what we know today about future needs and uses of our food productions systems globally as well as in Sweden.
We aim to identify strategic challenges for SLU and others to achieve a resilient food production in a changing climate. Come, participate, contribute! We need you the 24th of September!
The purpose of the day is to discuss and identify future challenges for resilient food production in 2050, globally as well as in Sweden. Invited key note speakers will present state of the art synthesis of soil and water resources, land use systems, livestock production, power and poverty dimensions and policy in practice.
The particular focus will be on resilient food production in 2050 and in discussions we will examine the conditions under which it might be supported, identify research areas and what is needed to get there. The ambition is that you will take home new insights that will develop/enrich progress your research.
Welcome – Setting the stage
Dr. Annsofie Wahlström Program Director SLU Future Food and Dr. Sara Gräslund, Head of SLU Global
Moderator of the workshop: Anke Fischer, Professor in Environmental Communication at SLU, with expertise in governance of conflict and transformation
Session 1: Soil and water recourses
Soil and water resources: Old and new challenges with urgent need of solutions in view of global warming and climatic changes
Dr. Abraham Joel, Soil and water researcher at SLU, with expertise in water use in agricultural landscapes
Session 2: Animal husbandry
The climate change challenge for livestock keepers moving northwards
Ulf Magnusson, Professor of Animal Reproduction at SLU, specialised in smallholder livestock production in low and mid-income countries
Session 3: Land use/cropping systems
Challenges and opportunities for sustaining crop production under future climates
Dr. Giulia Vico, Associate professor in Crop Production Ecology at SLU, specialised in vegetation response to changing weather conditions and the potential effects of management strategies
Session 4: Society, food and power
Beyond production: the challenges of global food systems
Adam Pain, Professor in Rural Development at SLU with interests in comparative rural change and livelihood trajectories
Session 5: Policy in practice
Addressing the key drivers
Gunnar Rundgren, Senior consultant, author, one of the founders of KRAV certification system and farmer
Panel questions
Lunch break
World Cafe session 1:
What are the major research challenges within these fields to reach resilient food production?
What do we need to know that we don't know yet?
World Cafe session 2:
What are the major research challenges within these fields to reach resilient food production?
What do we need to know that we don't know yet?
Coffee break
Reporting and summarizing
Key note speakers summarize their take home message from discussions (5 minutes each)
Plenary discussion: What is necessary/needed (resources/decisions/concepts/education/strategies/policies) to do this research?
Newsletter Food for thought
LinkedIn SLU Future Food
Podcast Feeding your mind
YouTube SLU Future Food