22 Jan

Laxen, Umeå

VFM's Wednesday seminar

internal events |

Today (22nd Jan), Jean-Michel Roberge (Docent at VFM, Swedish Forest Agency) will be giving a talk titled "Conservation Work at the Swedish Forest Agency".



Time: 2020-01-22 13:00 - 14:00
City: Umeå
Location: Laxen
Organiser: Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies
Additional info:

About the in-house seminar:

The in-house seminar is a flexible seminar where you can present your finished work and train for a conference, or get feedback from your peers on your upcoming plans and ideas. Therefore, people who want to present a polished 20 minutes talk, as well as people who want to discuss a new idea informally or a new method or working plan are very welcome.

We encourage newcomers to talk about their previous work and what they will be doing at SLU.

Want to participate? Please, send Claire Cayol or Hussen Khallil: 
- the length of your talk (10 or 20 minutes)
- An attempt of title of your presentation
- The audience (large (eco_in_umea) or small (vfm_alla))
- Dates that suits you.


If you are abroad and would like to join the seminar, contact Calire or Hussein to get a videolink.