24 Nov


Accelerating change in agriculture – AgriFoSe2030 phase II launch event

Vendors at a street market

Welcome to this launch of AgriFoSe2030 to highlight and celebrate the new, second phase of the programme.

This online event marks the start of the second phase of the AgriFoSe2030 programme. AgriFoSe2030 contributes to sustainable intensification of agriculture for increased food production; the aim is to do so by transforming practices toward more efficient use of human, financial and natural resources. We synthesise and translate existing science into policy and practice, and develop capacity to achieve this.

In this event we will get a brief overview of the challenges smallholder farmers are facing in AgriFoSe2030 target regions, sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia. You will also get the opportunity to listen to some of the exciting projects that will continue in this next phase.

Moderator will be Anneli Sundin, communications lead of AgriFoSe2030.

The AgriFoSe2030 programme is hosted by a consortium of researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Lund University, University of Gothenburg and Stockholm Environment Institute. The programme is funded by the Swedish International Development Agency.


Time: 2020-11-24 10:00 - 11:30
City: Online
Organiser: AgriFoSe2030


10.00- 10.15    Introduction

  • Welcome remarks by Ylva Hillbur, Pro-Vice Chancellor, SLU
  • Introduction to AgriFoSe2030 by Sofia Boqvist, programme director
  • Short keynote by Esse Nilsson, Senior Policy Specialist, Agriculture and Food Security Policy Support Unit, Sida.

10.15- 10.30    Challenges in agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia and Southeast Asia

  • Challenges and opportunities facing African smallholder farmers.
    Joseph Karugia,Cooordinator, Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System for Eastern and Central Africa (ReSAKSS-ECA), INternational Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)   
  • Smallholder farming in South East Asia, Challenges and opportunities. Kuntum Melati, Research Associate and SDGs Policy Specialist, SEI Asia.

10.30- 10.50    A snapshot of AgriFoSe2030 projects (film screening)

  • The effects of translating science to practice in the case of goat farming in Laos. Dr. Daovy Kongmanila, Director of Research and Academic Services Division, Faculty of Agriculture, National University of Laos.
  • Improved parkland management Burkina Faso. Dr. Josias SANOU, Ecophysiology-Agroforestry, Institut de l’Environnement et de la Recherche Agricole (INERA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  • Urban agriculture – policy and practice in Nakuru, Kisumu and Thika, Kenya. Dr. Samuel Onyango Omondi, University of Nairobi, Department of Agricultural Economics, Nairobi, Kenya.

10.50- 11.25    Panel discussion with audience engagement

  • Sofia Boqvist, AgriFoSe2030
  • Esse Nilsson, Sida
  • Joseph Karugia, ReSAKKS-ECA, ILRI
  • Kuntum Melati, SEI Asia

11.25- 11.30    Closing remarks
