City: Online
Location: PO Bäckströms sal and Zoom
Organiser: SLU
PO Bäckströms sal and Zoom, Online
Welcome to docent lectures at the Faculty of Forest Sciences 26 October. All lectures will be broadcast via Zoom and anyone who wants can join and listen.
The schedule for Tuesday 26 October
Time: 10:00 (online only)
Anne-Maarit Hekkala in the research subject biology.
The big question: What should we do to enhance biodiversity in Swedish forests?
Summary Anne-Maarit Hekkala.pdf
Time: 11:15
David Agar in the research subject technology.
Fuelling greater sustainability via pyrolysis
Summary David Agar.pdf
Time: 13:00
Lenka Kuglerova in the research subject forest resource management.
Cutting edge: Sustainable management of riparian forests for healthy freshwaters
Summary Lenka Kuglerova.pdf
Time: 14:15
Sven Adler in the research subject biology.
About the (non-)sexiness of ecological landscape monitoring
Summary Sven Adler.pdf
It is quick and easy to register in order to attend the lectures. Please follow the steps below:
Registration link: https://slu-se.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZWcPJlEOTE2hIaw9JOrkJQ
All lectures will be recorded.
Elisabeth Nyström, International Officer
Faculty of Forest Sciences, SLU
elisabeth.nystrom@slu.se, +4690 786 82 38