Forest owner walks on a line in a forest, photo.
19 Oct
20 Oct

Digital End Conference, Zoom

In the business of Kvarken forests – a service market for the future

events | conferences | seminars, workshops |

What are the challenges and opportunities of forest-related service development in the Kvarken region? What can be learnt from the Prosperous Forest project for the future? These issues will be explored and discussed during the projects end conference on the 19th and 20th October.

A digital conference, with presentations, panel discussion etc, will take place on the mornings of the two days. In the afternoon of the 19th, a physical excursion will be offered in both the Umeå and Seinäjoki region. The conference language will be English, but with the opportunity to ask questions in both Swedish and Finnish. The excursion will be carried out in the local language. More details and information about the conference and excursion will be available soon.


Time: 2021-10-19 08:30 - 2021-10-20 11:30
City: Zoom
Location: Digital End Conference
Organiser: Rikare skog
Last signup date: 17 October 2021
Price: Free
Additional info:

This end conference is organized by the Botnia Atlantica funded project Rikare skog.

More about the project:



19th of October


08.15/09.15 - Mingle and technical check-up

08.30/09.30 - Welcome and introduction

08.35/09.35 - Project introduction (Gun Lidestav, SLU)

08.40/09.40 - What is a service? For whom and what purpose? (Elias Andersson, SLU)

08.55/09.55 - Servicing forest owners’ decisions-making (Anne Matilainen, Ruralia)

09.10/10.10 - Interaction & questions

09.15/10.15 - Break

09.25/10.25 - Needs-based service development (Kerstin Dafnäs, consultant)

09.40/10.40 - Communicating services (Marjo Mustola, FFC)

09.55/10.55 - Interaction & questions

10.00/11.00 - Break

10.15/11.15 - Pilot presentation 2X

Marketplace for forest rent (Sara Andersson, Foresta)

Customer segmentation in forest-based advisory (Merja Lähdesmäki, Ruralia)

10.40/11.40 - Pilot panel discussion

10.50/11.50 - Summary and practicalities of excursions

11.00/12.00 - End


Excursions - 13.00/14.00-16.00/17.00

Sweden: Carbon budgeting and decision support (Skogsbruksplan med kolbudget – ett beslutsstöd för framtiden?) – SLU’s property in Innertavle

More information in Swedish and registration

Finland: Continuous Cover Forestry (Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkasvatuksen retkeily) - Forest property in Kurikka

Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkasvatuksen retkeily, Kurikka (


20th of October


08.15/09.15 -Mingle and technical check-up

08.30/09.30 - Welcome and introduction

08.35/09.35 - Inclusive service development (Maria Johansson, SLU)

08.50/09.50 - The competence to order services (Paulina Enoksson, SFA)

09.05/10.05 - Interaction & questions

09.10/10.10 - Break

09.25/10.25 - Conditions of servicing - The market, the forest and the costumers (Elias Andersson, SLU)

09.40/10.40 - Panel discussion – The forest service market of Kvarken

Satu Aguilar (Norra skog - Forest Owners Association of Norther Sweden)

Mikko Syri (MTK - The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners)

Jussi Somerpalo (FFC)

10.25/11.25 - Break

10.40/11.40 - Panel dicsussion - A Prosperous Forest for the future

Vanja Strand (SFA)

Markku Granander (FFC)

11.15/12.15 - Summary, honourable mentions and upcoming activities (Elias Andersson & Gun Lidestav, SLU)

11.30/12.30 - End


 Elias Andersson

Department of Forest resource management
Landscape studies
Phone: +46 90 786 83 58