19th of October
08.15/09.15 - Mingle and technical check-up
08.30/09.30 - Welcome and introduction
08.35/09.35 - Project introduction (Gun Lidestav, SLU)
08.40/09.40 - What is a service? For whom and what purpose? (Elias Andersson, SLU)
08.55/09.55 - Servicing forest owners’ decisions-making (Anne Matilainen, Ruralia)
09.10/10.10 - Interaction & questions
09.15/10.15 - Break
09.25/10.25 - Needs-based service development (Kerstin Dafnäs, consultant)
09.40/10.40 - Communicating services (Marjo Mustola, FFC)
09.55/10.55 - Interaction & questions
10.00/11.00 - Break
10.15/11.15 - Pilot presentation 2X
Marketplace for forest rent (Sara Andersson, Foresta)
Customer segmentation in forest-based advisory (Merja Lähdesmäki, Ruralia)
10.40/11.40 - Pilot panel discussion
10.50/11.50 - Summary and practicalities of excursions
11.00/12.00 - End
Excursions - 13.00/14.00-16.00/17.00
Sweden: Carbon budgeting and decision support (Skogsbruksplan med kolbudget – ett beslutsstöd för framtiden?) – SLU’s property in Innertavle
More information in Swedish and registration
Finland: Continuous Cover Forestry (Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkasvatuksen retkeily) - Forest property in Kurikka
Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkasvatuksen retkeily, Kurikka (lyyti.fi)
20th of October
08.15/09.15 -Mingle and technical check-up
08.30/09.30 - Welcome and introduction
08.35/09.35 - Inclusive service development (Maria Johansson, SLU)
08.50/09.50 - The competence to order services (Paulina Enoksson, SFA)
09.05/10.05 - Interaction & questions
09.10/10.10 - Break
09.25/10.25 - Conditions of servicing - The market, the forest and the costumers (Elias Andersson, SLU)
09.40/10.40 - Panel discussion – The forest service market of Kvarken
Satu Aguilar (Norra skog - Forest Owners Association of Norther Sweden)
Mikko Syri (MTK - The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners)
Jussi Somerpalo (FFC)
10.25/11.25 - Break
10.40/11.40 - Panel dicsussion - A Prosperous Forest for the future
Vanja Strand (SFA)
Markku Granander (FFC)
11.15/12.15 - Summary, honourable mentions and upcoming activities (Elias Andersson & Gun Lidestav, SLU)
11.30/12.30 - End