City: Åkersberga
Organiser: Department of Urban and Rural Development, Division of Rural Development
Additional info:
For more information please contact: uppdraglandsbygd@slu.se
The Division of Rural Development (SLU) and Nordregio gather scholars from all over the country to meet, share and discuss important issues related to rural and regional development in Sweden.
A new conference is arranged 8-9 Nov 2023
The conference is arranged as a part of SLU:s government assignment to strengthen and coordinate Swedish rural and regional research and the ambition is to provide a constructive arena of exchange for scholars to collegially rethink how Swedish ruralities and regions may engage towards economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development paths. Both English and Swedish will be used during the conference, making it possible also for non-Swedish speakers to participate.
The conference will be held November 11-12 at Runö Möten & Events outside Åkersberga, given that this is possible due to recommendations and restrictions regarding Covid-19.
We are glad to see that there has been a great interest in participating in this conference. The registration has now closed.
Questions? Send an email to uppdraglandsbygd@slu.se
THEME 1: Sustainable countrysides: place-based development and rural livelihoods
THEME 2: Entrepreneurship and social innovations in peripheries
THEME 3: Demographic change and migration: policies and practices in shrinking geographies
THEME 4: The role of natural resources in rural transformation processes
THEME 5: Competences, skills and the evolution of the rural labour market
THEME 6: Territorial resilience in times of global societal challenges
THEME 7: Policies for rural and regional development
10.00 Registration – Coffee and sandwiches
11.00 Welcome! Conference opens
11.15 Plenary speaker – Karen Refsgaard (Nordregio)
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Parallel session 1
14.00 Break
14.15 Parallel session 2
15.15 Break and check-in
16.00 Parallel session 3
17.00 Break
17.30 Plenary speaker – Sally Shortall (Newcastle University)
19.15 Dinner
07.00-08.30 Breakfast
09.00 Plenary speaker – Lisanne Raderschall (OECD)
09.45 Break
10.00 Parallel session 4
11.00 Break
11.15 Parallel session 5
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Panel session – Sverker Lindblad (Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation), Klas Fritzon (Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth), and Ann Rodenstedt (Formas)
14.30 Gazing forward and concluding remarks
15.00 Thank you! Conference closes
THEME 1: Susanne Stenbacka, Pelle Åberg, Caroline Ärleskog
THEME 3: Jayne Glass, Karen Haandrikman, Camilla Thunborg
THEME 4: Gun Lidestav, Sara Moritz, Arvid Stiernström
THEME 5: Mats Lundmark, Peter Hultgren
THEME 6: Maria Vallström, Paula Rytkönen
THEME 1: Thomas Sjöström, Linnéa Eriksson
THEME 2: Bengt Johannisson, Richard Ferguson
THEME 3: Ildikó Asztalos Morell, Charlotte Löthman, Elisabet Öhrn
THEME 7: Hans Westlund, Gissur Ò Erlingsson
THEME 1: Susanne Holm, Flora Hajdu, Yvonne von Friedrichs
THEME 2: Diana Morales, Jonathan Yachin, Helene Ahl
THEME 3: Emil Sandström, Sara Forsberg, Peter Gladoic Håkansson
THEME 6: Malin Tillmar, Cecilia Dalborg
THEME 7: Katarina Eckerberg, Elin Slätmo
THEME 1: Marlene Ockander, Leneisja Jungsberg, Nils Björling/Malin Rönnblom
THEME 2: Anna Sörensson, Cecilia Waldenström
THEME 5: Brian Kuns, Tina Mathisen, Elin Ennerberg
THEME 7: Alex Dubois/Rhiannon Pugh, Josefina Syssner, Patrik Cras
THEME 2: Margareta Dahlström, Håkan Tunón
THEME 4: Katarina Landström, Gun Lidestav
THEME 5: Martin Nordin, Kristin Sabel
THEME 6: Maria Vallström, Johanna Lindberg, Nils Björling / Malin Rönnblom
Managing rural communities: The role of local civil societies, Åberg P., Nordfelt M., von Essen J., Hansen K. & Cras P.
Affärsmässighet & hållbar landsbygdsutveckling, Ärleskog C.
Re-thinking sustainability in Swedish agriculture: Integrating the overlooked social aspects into sustainability thinking, Hajdu F. & Eriksson C.
Strategies creating local development in rural communities in the Nordic Region, Jungsberg L.
Hållbara transporter i landsbygd? Eriksson, L.
Politics of Place: Beyond #neoliberalurbanprivilege, Björling N. & Rönnblom M.
Djursdala: The winding road to a straightforward co-productive development and research process, Ockander M., Lindenfalk B., Williams O., Käll J. & Fristedt S.
Rural Politics of Place: Beyond #nepliberalurbanprivilege, Björling N. & Rönnblom M.
Platsens betydelse för arbete med unga i landsbygd – En Sociomateriell analys, Holm S.
Service, Infrastruktur och Välfärd: om betydelsen av samverkan mellan fysiska och sociala strukturer, Stenbacka S.
När digital vård möter det sociala rummet, Sjöström T.
Mikrobryggeriernas identitetsskapande roll i lokalsamhället, von Friedrichs Y. & Dalborg C.
Rådgivning till entreprenörer inom gröna näringar i Sverige och Norge, Sörensson A. & Cawthorn A.
Samhällsentreprenörskapets renässans – landsbygdens räddning, Johannisson B.
Contexts for learning in agriculture: challenges for transformation of farmers’ practices, Waldenström C.
S3 as opportunities for green growth, Morales D. & Dahlström M.
Consuming the summer farm – a comparative study of summer farm tourists’ preferences in Norway and Sweden, Rytkönen P., Tunón H. & Bele B.
Women entrepreneurs and rural viability in Sweden, Ahl H., Berglund K., Pettersson K. & Tillmar M.
Spatial bricolage – Sustainable tourism development and place-based entrepreneurship in rural Sweden, Yachin J.
Alternative food production for safeguarding the biocultural heritage? Biocultural heritage as a mean to promote alternative food production? Introducing the project BIOKUMA, Svensson E., Dahlström M., Amundsen H. & Motrøen T.
Innovating rural agri-food enterprises and institutional change, Adamseged, M. E., Ferguson R., Grundmann P. & Langendahl P. A.
Unga asylsökandes förutsättningar att etablera sig på mindre orter, Osman A., Thunborg C. & Bron A.
På väg mot integration? Från monologiska till dialogiska möten på landsbygden, Löthman C.
Utbildning och migration i landsbygd, Öhrn E., Beach D., Johansson M., Rosvall P. Å. & Rönnlund M.
Back to the land is Back and the Cultivation of a Reinvented Rurality, Sandström E.
Disembedded insecurities of unaccompanied asylum-seekers youth in rural Sweden, Asztalos Morell I.
International insights from initiatives to address population decline in sparsely populated areas, Glass J., McMorran R. & Atterton J.
New gateways? Residential trajectories of newly arrived migrants from a rural perspective, Haandrikman K., Hedberg C. & Chihaya G. K.
Rural boys, urban girls? The Mystery of the Diminishing Urban-Rural Gender Gap in Sweden, Karpestam & Gladoic Håkansson
Young people’s sense of place and dispositions towards mobility, Forsberg S.
Mining for welfare and sustainable development, Stiernström A.
Lågt hängande frukter i skogen, Lidestav G., Hedberg C., Heldt Cassel S. & Lundberg J.
Den subversiva vildmarksturismen? – Normkritik som mediering av kommersialiseringens ängsligheter, Landström K.
Mining in Sweden – local visions of the extractivist welfare state, Moritz S.
Understanding the multiple dynamics of the countryside – Examples from forest cases in northern Europe, Keskitalo E. C. H., Lidestav G., Westin K. & Lindgren U.
Kultur- och turismnäringarnas roll för utveckling på mindre orter i Bergslagen, Lundmark M. & Jakobsson M.
From Panic to Business as Usual: what a year of Coronavirus has revealed about migrant labor, food supply chains and the welfare state in Nordic countries, Kuns B.
Choosing not to wait? Narratives of work and life choices among workers in a small town/rural area, Lundberg J. & Enneberg E.
Strategisk kompetensförsörjning och organisatoriska värderingar i små familjeföretag verksamma i svensk landsbygdskontext, Sabel K.
Inkomstutvecklingen för Sveriges landsbygd och segregerade områden, Nordin M.
Att överbrygga ett socialt glapp. Om social sammanhållning och ett arbetsmarknadsprojekt i Lammhult, Hultgren P.
Beyond core and periphery: translocal mobility in rural artists work and creativity, Power D., Mathisen T. & Jansson J.
Peripheries within Economic Geography: Four “Problems”, Pugh R. & Dubois A.
Robust företagande i kristider, Dalborg C. & von Friedrichs Y.
Mind the gap – policies for rural digital transformation, Lindberg J., Runardotter M. & Ståhlbröst A.
A study of rural entrepreneurial practices, Tillmar M.
Hur resilient är lokalsamhället vid en exceptionell påfrestning? Pandemins följdverkningar i en svensk landsbygdskommun, Vallström M., Svensson L. & Vallström M.
Is there light in the windows? Livelihoods and island societies in Sweden during the Covid-19 pandemic, Rytkönen P., Merouani Y., Box M. & Larsson Segerlind T.
Lokal mobilisering vid skogsbränderna 2018, Ingridsdotter J. & Vallström M.
Resilience for resilience? A study of rural entrepreneurial practices, Tillmar M.
Plattformar för landsbygdens aktörer i Europa – sociala innovationer inom europeiskt beslutsfattande, Slätmo E.
Intra-municipal polarization? Centre-periphery variations in satisfaction with democracy and welfare services, Erlingsson G.Ó., Öhrvall, R. & Wallman Lundåsen S.
A “third way” for rural policy? Westlund H.
Strategies for local economic sustainability in sparsely populated areas, Syssner J.
EIP-Agri in Sweden – Lessons learned from an ongoing evaluation 2016-2021, Bjärstig T. & Eckerberg K.
Integrating territorial perspectives – A study of “rural proofing” processes in Swedish municipalities, Cras P.
For more information please contact: uppdraglandsbygd@slu.se
Uppdrag landsbygd is a government assignment administered by the Department for Urban and Rural Development at SLU. For more information see www.slu.se/uppdraglandsbygd
Welcome to contact us by email at: uppdraglandsbygd@slu.se