27 Apr


CRU webinar: “Stressing the symbionts: Investigating the influence of developmental metabolic stress upon mitochondrial physiology”

Welcome to a CRU webinar with John Lees on 27 April.

John Lees, Postdoctoral Researcher in Environmental Toxicology Dept. of Organismal Biology, Uppsala University, will present the work “Stressing the symbionts: Investigating the influence of developmental metabolic stress upon mitochondrial physiology”.

The seminar starts at 12.15 on Zoom.

If you have not received the Outlook invitation, please contact Theodora Kunovac (theodora.kunovac_kallak@kbh.uu.se).


Time: 2022-04-27 12:15
City: Zoom
Organiser: CRU


Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala, CRU
P.O. Box 7054, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: +46 18-67 21 74
www.slu.se/cru | cru@slu.se