City: Nødebo, Denmark
Organiser: TolerantTree and EVOLTREE
Last signup date: 20 June 2022
Price: 470 Euro
Additional info:
Venue and lodging
The venue for the meeting is “Skovskolen”(in Danish) in Nødebo, Northern Sealand, in Nødebo, Northern Sealand, with address: Nødebovej 77A, 3480 Fredensborg. Twenty rooms are available. There is a small discount by sharing a room with another participant.
EvolTree training reimbursement
For members of EVOLTREE partner labs (students or permanent staff), the cost of the training course can be reimbursed up to 600 Euro. There is a limited number of grants available. Please visit the EvolTree website for more information.
Invitation to oral presentations
We invite the participants to give a presentation on their work and results.
The submission of abstracts for short oral presentations is open until June 20th, 2022. Submit the abstract directly to Jon Kehlet Hansen (jkh@ign.ku.dk).
The abstracts should include (in this order): title of the presentation, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, text (maximum 250 words) of the abstract. The abstract shall not include any figures or tables. The abstract should be submitted in MS Word format.
There is a registration fee of 705 Euro, which covers housing including all meals, coffee and tea breaks and bus for an excursion. If you share a room, the registration fee will be 500 Euro. Please register directly to Jon Kehlet Hansen (jkh@ign.ku.dk) with “TolerantTree” in the subject field. The number of participants is limited to 20 persons of which 13 are reserved for members of the TolerantTree network. Deadline is June 20th, 2022.
How to get to the venue
It is possible to reach the venue by public transportation (with train to Hillerød and bus 307 from Hillerød to Nødebo). For more details, look here.