16 Jan
2 Feb


Ph.D course: Basic R programming

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The course will focus on the core of R programming language, and data manipulation with R.

Obligatory meetings: January 16-20. 

The course begins with an orientation connected to the following concepts:
- What is R and what can R do?
- An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for R
Further, the course covers programming of R, specifically:
- Data types and data structures: vector, list, matrix, data frame, factor
- Import data and write out data
- Data manipulation
- Control flow
- Write simple function
- Plot
- Regression analysis

Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

- master the basic knowledge of R language,
- master functions commonly used for data manipulation,
- generate basic descriptive statistics, conduct a simple multiple linear regression analysis and specification test, and
- produce different types of data plot.
The course consists of lectures, computer exercises and self-study.