Symbolic image for lectures by senior environmental assessment specialists. Illustration.
6 Dec

Ultuna och webbsändning

Lectures by SLU´s senior environmental assessment specialists 2023

associate professorship lectures | internal events | seminars, workshops |

The 6th of December 2023 you are most welcome to take part in our popular science lectures by three newly appointed senior environmental assessment specialists at SLU.

The lectures will be held in Swedish, see the full programme at the Swedish version of this page.

The lecturers 2023 and subjects are:

13 p.m.  Mattias Sköld, researcher at the Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU.

  • Marine protected areas – advice, research, and effects of measures.

14 p.m. Mattias Lundblad, researcher at the Department of Soil and Environment,SLU.

  • Environmental monitoring of forests and soil for international commitments related to climate change. 

Moderator: Anna Gårdmark, Professor at the Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU.

Göran Ståhl, acting pro-vice-chancellor responsible for environmental monitoring and assessment, will introduce and sum up the day.