2 Oct
3 Oct


Networking symposium on plant protection and forest damage

Some personas are walking on the grass close to a building. Photo.

Welcome to a networking symposium arranged by SLU Plant Protection Network and SLU Forest Damage Centre for staff at SLU active in these areas. The meeting is held in English in Umeå.

You book your own travel to the meeting via SLU’s travel agency. SLU Plant Protection Network pays the travel costs for those traveling by train.

If Umeå is not your usual place of work, we will book you into Comfort Hotel Umeå City. Depending on your travel plans you can choose to stay at the hotel one or two nights. The SLU Plant Protection Network will pay for your stay. You can also arrange your own stay if you prefer that.

Sign up here

I work in:
Form of employment
I work with (you can pick more than one):


In order to get most out of the meeting we encourage all participants to participate with a poster. The poster does not need to show results (as in a scientific conference), but can also summarize what you are working with, i.e. your research questions and topics or your research group. There will be a prize for the best poster.

Please indicate if you will be main author on a poster:

Travel arrangement

You book your own travel to the meeting via SLU:s travel agency. SLU Plant Protection Network pays the travel costs for those traveling by train.

Hotel stay

If Umeå is not your usual place of work, we will book you into Comfort Hotel Umeå. The SLU Plant Protection Network will pay for your stay. It is of course ok to arrange your own stay if you prefer that. Please note that your registration to this symposium is binding and that we will need to charge a fee of 3000 SEK in case of no-show or cancellation after 28 August.

I want to sleep at a hotel 1-2 October (the night before the symposium)
I want to sleep at a hotel 2-3 October


Meal preference for dinner:

Discussion topics

I am alright with being on photos from the event at SLU's web page
The data you enter here will be processed by SLU to administer your registration or visit. Read more about the processing of personal data on www.slu.se/personal-data.


Time: 2024-10-02 - 2024-10-03
City: Umeå
Organiser: SLU Plant Protection Network and SLU Forest Damage Centre
Last signup date: 28 August 2024


Day 1 (2 October): PO-Bäckströms Sal & Åteln, SLU Umeå

Registration & coffee, set up posters


Inspirational talks

  • Title to be announced
    David Parsons, Department of Crop Production Ecology
  • Plant breeding for dummies – why is it important and what are the differences in breeding trees and crops?
    Malin Elfstrand, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology

Poster session teaser

Mingle, coffee & Poster session

Inspirational talks

  • Genetic diversity and its partitioning over space in Scots pine. Solutions for plant protection?
    Xiao-Ru Wang, Umeå University
  • Climate change and agricultural crops – how a changing climate affects crops. Solutions for plant protection?
    Giulia Vico, Department of Ecology
  • Molecular mechanisms of cell-to-cell communication in response to localized wound stress in plant roots. Solutions for plant protection?
    Peter Marhavý, Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology

Lunch (take-away)

Excursion to Skogforsk, Sävar, including coffee break

  • Breeding for resistance, Torgny Persson
  • Scots pine blister rust (Cronartium flaccidum) and other plant pests, Henrik Svennerstam
  • Föryngringskollen – research project on forest regeneration, Jonas Öhlund
  • Seedlings, Jörgen Hajek

Bus transfer to the hotel, via Skogis/SLU

Dinner at Umeå Folkets hus

Day 2 (3 October): PO-Bäckströms Sal & Åteln, SLU Umeå

Take down posters


08:05-08:35 Invited speakers

  • European Research Alliance PESTICIDE FREE AGRICULTURE
    Riccardo Bommarco, Department of Ecology
  • Joint Action Plant Health
    Magnus Karlsson, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology

Discover SLU Umeå and surroundings

  • Röbäcksdalen and SITES, Brooke Micke
  • Unit for Field-based Forest Research, Vindeln experimental forests, field stations and more, Charlotta
  • Ljungbergs Lab, Jonas Bohlin & Langning Huo
  • Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC), Totte Niittylä

Plant Protection – Forest Damage Orienteering and coffee

Group discussions & PhD student mingle

Best-poster prize & closing the event

Take-away lunch


Katja Fedrowitz

Admin. coordinator SLU Forest Damage Centre
Coordinator SLU Plant Protection Network

Telefon: +46 018 67 21 96
Epost: Katja.Fedrowitz@slu.se