1 Oct


Save the date! Urban Health Webinar #2: Exploring Urban healthscapes with interdisciplinary experts and new perspectives

seminars, workshops |
A dark woman in a cap and yellow coat stands behind a bicycle cart in an urban environment. Photo.

This webinar continues to explore and work with the concept of urban healthscapes, investigating how city design and planning influence our well-being & health. SLU Urban Futures and SLU Future One Health invite you to our second Urban Health webinar, which aims to bring together diverse perspectives on health in urban settings. The last registration day is 26 September. Most welcome!

SLU Urban Futures and SLU Future One Health are teaming up and invite you to our second Urban Health webinar, which aims to bring together diverse perspectives on health in urban settings.

General information

Target audience: Researchers and practitioners interested in implementing health aspects in their urban planning perspectives.

Moderators: Nina Vogel, Amanda Gabriel and Susanna Sternberg Lewerin

Language: English

Registration: The page will be updated shortly with a registration form

Last day to register: 26 September 


The aims of this Urban Health webinar series are to:

  • Gain insights from leading experts in urban health and planning.
  • Explore potential conflicts and synergies of objectives in the short- and long-term.
  • Understand and shape the conceptual lens of urban healthscapes through interdisciplinary perspectives.
  • Highlight the connections between city planning and health outcomes from new angles and different global contexts.  
  • Discover innovative approaches to creating healthy cities based on research from different disciplines. 

The speakers will be shared soon – Keep updated!

Future topics

This webinar will become a series where we will explore the aims above. Future topics: 

  • Climate conversations - more actual research and practical ideas – to deal with extreme weather events  
  • Nature-connectedness and outdoors  - Being outdoors - outdoor offices – aspects of environment/work - office spaces 
  • Urban wilderness  - animal Health  & human health 
  • Waste management and pollution in cities – plan and nudge behaviour  
  • Planning and learning about playful cities
  • Urban planning and equality


Time: 2024-10-01 15:00 - 17:00
City: Online
Organiser: SLU Urban Futures and SLU Future One Health
Last signup date: 26 September 2024