29 Oct


Webinar: Browsing pressure on birch - about survival and growth

How much browsing pressure is too much for birch? PhD student Andis Zvirgzdins shares the latest news related to his research project focused on the establishment and management of planted and genetically improved birch in Sweden.

With the "new generation" of birch gaining momentum in Sweden, the question of how browsing by game animals affects birch survival and growth remains vaguely understood. A combination of two ongoing studies in southern Sweden, covering more than 40 sites, aims to address these questions. A promising result has emerged: birch can survive and grow well under browsing pressure, but how much pressure is too much?

About Andis Zvirgzdins and the research project - slu.se

Registration and more information

The webinar is held in English, online via Zoom, and is open for anyone interested.

Link to registration and more information - treesforme.se/en


Time: 2024-10-29 14:00 - 15:00
City: Online
Organiser: Trees For Me