20 Nov
21 Nov

Vinden, floor 8 in Natrium, Gothenburg

Aquaculture researcher's meeting 2024

conferences | seminars, workshops |
Feskekörka in the evening sun

Welcome to a research meeting to enhance collaboration and networking within the aquaculture researcher’s community in Sweden. The target group is researchers already working within aquaculture and researchers working in related research areas who are interested in aquaculture.

The meeting will give participants the opportunity to draw inspiration from other people's research and share their own research findings – it will be an excellent opportunity to be updated on developments in aquaculture research in Sweden.

Target group: Researchers affiliated at a Swedish university/research institute, already working within aquaculture, and researchers who work in related research areas but are interested in the field of aquaculture.

Date and time: 21 Nov 2024, 9:00-16:00 (with joint dinner 20 Nov 19:00, optional & at your own cost)

Location: Vinden, floor 8 in Natrium, Medicinaregatan 7 B, Göteborg

Registration: Sign up as soon as possible but not later than August 19 via this registration form.

Organisers: Nationellt Kompetenscentrum för Vattenbruk (NKfV) together with Swemarc and SLU Aquaculture.


The programme is scheduled to run from around 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and will include research presentations interspersed with discussions and networking opportunities.

When you register, you will have the opportunity to suggest programme topics and to submit requests to give an oral or poster presentation. 

The program will be finalised after the deadline for registration.


Time: 2024-11-20 - 2024-11-21
City: Gothenburg
Location: Vinden, floor 8 in Natrium
Organiser: Nationellt Kompetenscentrum för Vattenbruk (NKfV) together with Swemarc and SLU Aquaculture
Additional info:

How to get there: a map over Medicinareberget.