City: Online
Organiser: CGD
Transboundary animal discases (TADs) - like Foot and Mouth diseases, African Swine Fever, Avian influenza - may through their epidemic nature cause enormous losses when they invade previously uninfected arcas. They not only have detrimental effects by mortality and morbidity, but they also give
rise to sanitary sanctions in international trade, all together disrupting live-stock systems. Obviously, the TADs require international, regional and national efforts towards their control.
In this webinar it will be presented how these efforts look like on the Global and
Swedish/EU level.
15.00 Welcome and introducion
Ulf Magnusson, professor, SLU and vice-chair of the Global Framework for TAD's Partnership and Financing Panel
15.05 Presentation of the Global Framework for TADs
Madhur Dhingra, Senior Animal Health Officer and Head, Emergency Prevention
System for Animal Health (EM-PRES-AH), FAO
15.30 The Swedish/EU perspective on controlling TADs
Lena Hellqvist-Björnerot, Chief Veterinary Officer, Swedish Board of Agriculture
15.45 Q & A:s
16.00 Closing
Please, register by sending an email to cgd@slu.se latest at noon on Wednesday, 7 February.