28 Jun

SLU’s booth (A02:11) in the IUFRO-exhibition area, Älvsjö, Stockholm

Facts and open data for sustainable, thriving forests

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Meet SLU’s specialists in Environmental monitoring and assessment in the SLU booth at IUFRO. Talk to us about open data, statistics, maps, forest futures, decision support, indicators, citizen science, training and more.

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, has a unique mission in Swedish society. In addition to education and research, we conduct environmental monitoring and assessment, EMA.

We provide society with sought-after knowledge and data to achieve Sweden’s and the world’s environmental and sustainability goals. 

You are most welcome to meet up with us during IUFRO.


Facts and open data for sustainable, thriving forests

Moderator for the welcome and introducing dialogues: Daniel Stjärna, communicator at SLU


Anna-Lena Axelsson, coordinator of the Forest programme within SLU:s Environmental monitoring and assessment

Making sense of field based facts on forest and forest soils

Introducing dialogue: Göran Ståhl / Cornelia Roberge and Johan Stendahl.

Meet and talk to our experts about:

Experts: Göran Ståhl, Anna-Lena Axelsson, Cornelia Roberge, Johan Stendahl, Jeanette Eggers, among others. 

Making sense of biodiversity facts from species to landscapes

Introducing dialogue: Mark Marissink and Henrik Hedenås.

Meet and talk to our experts about:

Experts: Mark Marissink, Henrik Hedenås, Johan Nilsson, Elisabet Ottosson, Håkan Berglund, Anna Allard, among others.


Pernilla Christensen, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Forest Sciences. Analyst
Department of Forest Resource Management/Division of Landscape Analysis, SLU
pernilla.christensen@slu.se, 090-786 85 27, 070-633 73 86

Annika Mossing, Communications Specialist
Faculty of Forest Sciences, SLU
annika.mossing@slu.se, 0727-10 39 44

Ann-Katrin Hallin, science editor
Division of communications, SLU
ann-katrin.hallin@slu.se, +46-(0)18-67 38 25, +46-(0)70-323 38 25