23 Jun
29 Jun


Future Forests at IUFRO '24

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The IUFRO congress, International Union of Forest Research Organizations, is held in Stockholm June 23 through 29. Here are Future Forests' activities during the congress, all in one post.

Panel talk about new CCF book

Future Forests-affiliated researchers will feature in a new Springer book on CCF, continuous cover forestry. The title of the book is "Continuous Cover Forestry in Boreal Nordic Countries". In the SNS booth (Samnordisk skogsforskning) we will take part in a panel talk about the book. 

Where: SNS booth, Älvsjömässan
When: Tuesday 25/6, 08.30-09.30


Premiere: Flicker

Come and see the world premiere of "Flicker", a documentary financed by Future Forests and produced by Bitzer. 

What is climate-friendly forestry? How are we to think about forestry in times of climate change? Researchers and industry professionals from Sweden and Germany share their opinions and insights. After the screening there will be a window to ask questions and have a discussion. 

Where: K16, Älvsjömässan
When: Tuesday 25/6, 13.00-14.00


Excursion: People, forest and climate change - exploring relationships between forests and society in the context of climate change

Future Forests will host an excursion in the Stockholm archipelago region during the fourth day of IUFRO. The 300 participants will hear about the latest research on alternative forestry methoads, citizens science, future studies and more. 

The theme of the excursion is “People, forest and climate change – exploring relationships between forests and society in the context of climate change”. Presenters come from SLU, Umeå University, the Sami council/Sámiráđđi, Spillkråkorna and Nordiske Skogskvinner.

Where: Stockholm archipelago
When: Wednesday 26/6, 08.00-18.00


Panel talk @ KSLA

Future Forests assistant director Janina Priebe will take part in a panel talk at KSLA, Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. The title of the talk is "Contemplation over the major transformations in forestry during the last 50 years and the challenges in the coming 50 years". 

Where: KSLA, Drottninggatan 95B
When: Thursday 27/6, 19.00