20 Sep

Room L, Undervisningshuset, Ultuna, Uppsala

Seminar: infectious diseases in the wildlife-livestock interface

seminars, workshops |
People in white overalls to protect against infection, photo.

Welcome to a seminar on infectious diseases in the wildlife-livestock interface.

Here is the programme

9.00 Welcome and introduction

Jonas Johansson Wensman and Susanna Sternberg Lewerin, SLU

9.10-9.40 Challenges in preventing disease transmission from wildlife

Christian Gortazar, University of Castilla la Mancha, Spain

9.40-10.10 Control of African swine fever in Germany

Carola Sauter Louis, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Germany

10.10-10.30 Coffee

Please email us by September 17 so we'll know you want coffee. Here is the address: cgd@slu.se 

10.30-11.00 Management of the African swine fever outbreak in Sweden

Erika Chenais, SVA

11.00-11.30 Discussion


Time: 2024-09-20 09:00 - 11:30
City: Ultuna, Uppsala
Location: Room L, Undervisningshuset
Organiser: CGD
Last signup date: 17 September 2024
Additional info:

Jonas Johansson Wensman
Head of CGD – SLU Committee for Global Animal Diseases
cgd@slu.se, 018-67 14 46

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