25 Sep

Hall L Educational Building Ultuna and zoom, Uppsala

Climate-smart agriculture options on coarse-textured soils for improved food security in semi-arid areas

dissertations |

Sandra Makaita Madamombe defends her thesis "Climate-smart agriculture options on coarse-textured soils for improved food security in semi-arid areas" on 25th September 2024

All interested are welcome to take part in the public defense online


Link to thesis: https://publications.slu.se/?file=publ/show&id=128773&lang=en
Author / Respondent: MSc Sandra Makaita Madamombe
External reviewer / Opponent: PhD Amos Robert Ngwira, AGRA-Sustainably Growing Africa’s Food Systems, West End Towers, 4th Floor, Kanjata Road, Muthangari Drive, Waiyaki Way/ Nairobi, Kenya
Time: 2024-09-25 09:00
City: Uppsala
Location: Hall L Educational Building Ultuna and zoom
Organiser: Department of Crop Production Ecology
Additional info:


Please contact Ingrid.Oborn@slu.se for online address and login information to the public defense, or sign up here to get the Zoom link via e-mail
