20 Jan
28 Feb


Statistical methods - an overview, 4.5 hp

The Ph. D. course will be given in Alnarp, 20 Jan – 28 Feb 2025.

Prior knowledge

A basic course in statistics is required. The course is primarily for students at the PhD level who already have collected some data in their research project.

Objective, including learning outcomes

The aim of the course is that the student becomes better at handling and analyzing quantitative data using different statistical methods. After the course the student is expected to be more confident about which methods are appropriate for hers/his research and how to apply these.


The course is built on lectures and computer exercises with assignments. The main topics are:
- Design of experiments.
- Analysis of variance.
- Regression.
- Generalized linear models.
- Non-parametric methods.
- Multivariate statistical methods.

The content of the final project in the course depends on what specific methods and type of data the participants have in their research project.
