25 Mar

Hall A241 Biocentrum Ultuna and zoom, Uppsala

Water balance in agricultural catchments amidst climate and land use changes in Sweden

dissertations |

Louise Malmquist defends her thesis "Water balance in agricultural catchments amidst climate and land use changes in Sweden" on 25th of March 2025

All interested are welcome to take part in the public defense online


Link to thesis: https://publications.slu.se/?file=publ/show&id=130453&lang=en
Author / Respondent: MSc Louise Malmquist
External reviewer / Opponent: Professor Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavagen 16 752 36 UPPSALA, Sweden
Time: 2025-03-25 13:00
City: Uppsala
Location: Hall A241 Biocentrum Ultuna and zoom
Organiser: Department of Soil and Environment
Additional info:


Please contact jennie.barron@slu.se for online address and login information to the public defense 
