City: Uppsala
Location: Green Innovation Park, Ultuna
Organiser: SLU Future Food
Green Innovation Park, Ultuna, Uppsala
Welcome to a panel discussion that explores the possibilities of phasing out fossil fuels in agriculture. What alternatives exist for powering tractors and replacing synthetic fossil fertilizers? How might the costs of this transition be distributed across society? Join us as researchers and practitioners come together to explore these pressing questions.
The discussion will be held on site in Uppsala (Ultuna) and welcomes all employees and students at SLU, and the broader food systems community.
The panel includes:
Ola Pettersson, Senior Project Manager at RISE and one of the leader of AgroDrive – a new collaborative center for fossil-free energy in agriculture and food – will share closing remarks.
The session will allow significant time for questions from the audience. It is part of SLU Future Food's efforts to stimulate and facilitate dialogues on complex issues related to the green transition and a sustainable food system. A previous example is the SLU Future Food collaboration with the dialogue forum TABLE, resulting in the podcast series Meat: the Four Futures and series of workshop on the Future of Meat and the discussion workshop The Goods and Bads of Green Marketing in Food Systems.
SLU Future Food