Time: 2025-04-08 10:00 - 11:00
City: webinar
Organiser: BioGlue-Center
Price: 0
City: webinar
Organiser: BioGlue-Center
Price: 0
Antonio Pizzi is a polymer and materials chemist and professor emeritus of industrial chemistry at the University of Lorraine, who is an expert in the fields of bioadhesives, bioresins and wood adhesives and an elected fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science.
There will be a presentation of 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes of discussion.
The webinar is open to everyone, and will be held in English. Feel free to invite your network.
URL for meeting: https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/69835308740?from=addon
Meeting-ID: 698 3530 8740
Passcode: 155727