6 May


Interdisciplinary insights into navigating the maze of landscape multifunctionality

seminars, workshops |
Photo of Hanna Fors.

Welcome to a new inspirational lunch webinar about interdisciplinarity! In this webinar a pioneer group from the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at SLU will present interdisciplinary insights into navigating the maze of landscape multifunctionality, as well as the creative methods that underpinned their interdisciplinary collaboration.

Our landscapes serve numerous vital purposes, including providing food and clean water, supporting biodiversity, producing timber, and offering spaces for recreation. As the demand for these ecosystem services continues to increase, it is more crucial than ever for scientists from various fields to collaborate and an interdisciplinary approach is essential to address this challenge.

The six SLU researchers Hanna Fors, Anna Berlin, Uliana Gottlieb, Mari Kågström, James Weldon, and Jasmine Zhang formed a thematic group within the Interdisciplinary Academy at SLU 2022-2023 to explore the potential of interdisciplinarity in addressing multifunctional landscapes.

Their work also led to the publication of a scientific article in People and Nature: Interdisciplinary insights into navigating the maze of landscape multifunctionality

In this lunch webinar, Hanna Fors will share the group's interdisciplinary insights into navigating the maze of landscape multifunctionality, and tell us more about the creative methods that underpinned their interdisciplinary collaboration.

This lunch webinar is part of an open webinar series organised by SLU Future Food, aimed at everyone who wants to increase their knowledge and insights about interdisciplinary work. 

More about the webinar series, upcoming events and recordings of previous webinars

Links to publications and articles

SLU news item February 2024: An interdisciplinary approach to multifunctional landscapes

Scientific Article: Interdisciplinary insights into navigating the maze of landscape multifunctionality. People and Nature, February 2024. Authors: Hanna Fors, Anna Berlin, Uliana Gottlieb, Mari Kågström, James Weldon och Jasmine Zhang.

Plain Language Summary: Researchers from different areas of science must work together for sustainable landscapes that serve many purposes.

Så underlättas tvärvetenskapligt samarbete. Article in Swedish in Universitetsläraren, September 2023. Authors Mari Kågström, Anna Berlin, Hanna Fors, Uliana Gottleib, James Weldon och Jasmine Zhang.

Registration to the webinar

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Time: 2025-05-06 12:00 - 12:55
City: Zoom
Organiser: SLU Future Food
Additional info:

An output of the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at SLU

The authors of the articles above and presenters of this webinar together formed one of the two Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) groups at SLU 2022-2023: Hanna Fors, Marie Kågström, James Weldon, Anna Berlin, Uliana Gottlieb and Jasmine Zhang.

Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at SLU was established in 2022 by the NJ Faculty and SLU Future Food to create a long-term structure for developing multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research at SLU. Inspired by the Pufendorf Institute at Lund University and with experiences from the Future Lab at SLU, IDA aims to enhance interest in interdisciplinary research at SLU, strengthen the ability to approach research questions from multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives, and facilitate collaborations between SLU’s various departments within the scope of multi- and interdisciplinary initiatives.

Other lunch webinars about interdisciplinarity

This lunch webinar is part of an open webinar series organised by SLU Future Food, aimed at everyone who wants to increase their knowledge and insights about interdisciplinary work. 

More about the webinar series, upcoming events and recordings of previous webinars can be found here
