8 May
9 May

Studion, Undervisningshuset, Uppsala

Professorial inauguration - lectures

events |

Friday 9 May 10 new professors will be inaugurated at SLU Ultuna. Lectures by the professors will be held both Thursday 8 May and Friday 9 May.

The lectures can be followed online via www.slu.se 

Thursday 8 May

10.00–10.30    Coffee/tea

10.30                Vice-Chancellor Maria Knutson Wedel 

10.40–11.10    Charles Melnyk: Connecting plants to friend or foe

11.20–11.50    Giulia Vico: Agriculture and forests facing climate change: impacts and adaptation

12.00–13.30    Lunch break

13.30–14.00    Anton Grafström: Urval, slump och miljöövervakning

14.10–14.40    Jonatan Klaminder: Vänta, sa du att daggmaskar kan vara ett miljöproblem?

14.40–15.10    Coffee/tea

15.10–15.40    Totte Niittylä: Following the carbon – from the atmosphere to wood

15.50–16.20    Ruben Valbuena: Measuring the complexity of forests by firing laser beams from planes and satellites

Friday 9 May

9.00–9.30        Anna Bergh: Steg för steg – utvecklingen av evidensbaserad veterinärmedicinsk rehabilitering

9.40–10.10      Sofia Boqvist: Säker mat och folkhälsa – ett globalt ansvar

10.10–10.40    Coffee/tea

10.40–11.10    Ingrid Hansson: Bakterier, på gott och ont

11.20–11.50    Jens Malmkvist: Animal behaviour: the key to understanding the animal mind

Coats and large bags must be stored in the staffed cloakroom. There is limited seating in the studio. The lectures will also be streamed and broadcast in Room K, adjacent to the studio. There will be a 10 minute break between each lecture – it will not be possible to enter the studio while the lectures are ongoing.


Time: 2025-05-08 - 2025-05-09
City: Studion, Undervisningshuset, Uppsala