Time: 2025-06-02 - 2025-06-05
City: Uppsala
City: Uppsala
The 14th European Conference of Plant Pathology, will take place on 3-5 June 2025 in Uppsala, and is arranged by the Swedish Society for Plant Pathology.
We look forward to seeing you in Uppsala to participate in the scientific discussions and presentations, and to enjoy the long Scandinavian summer days.
On Sunday 1 June and Monday 2 June, the XXIII Bunt and Smut Workshop will be held at SLU Uppsala as a satellite workshop.
For more details, please visit the workshop’s separate website: https://2025buntworkshop.wordpress.com
anna.berlin@slu.se, 018-671579
georgios.tzelepis@slu.se, 018-67 15 03