CV page

Agnes af Sandeberg

Agnes af Sandeberg
PhD student in economics involved in a project investigating the link between farm animal health and welfare and the economic outcomes at dairy farms. The project aims to investigate which types of FAHW measures have been connected to farm economic outcome in the existing literature? Which types of economic measurements were used? What type of data and methods have been used in the existing literature? What are the factors facilitating or hindering good FAHW combined with a viable farm business at dairy farms?


Agnes af Sandeberg is a Ph.D. student in the Agricultural and Food Economics group. She holds a masters degree from Uppsala University in Economics, and started her PhD in the fall of 2019. Her primary interests lie within interdisciplinary research in the intersection of Economics, Veterinary Science, and Animal Science.  She is interested in policy making and how interdisciplinary research can give new insights to best practice and policy making in the dairy sector.


Agnes is teaching Microeconomics I.

Selected publications

af Sandeberg, A., Båge,  R., Nyman, A-K., Agenäs, S., Hansson, H. (2023). Linking animal health measures in dairy cows to farm level economic outcomes: A systematic literature mapping. Animal, 17, 100971


Doctoral Student leave of absence at the Department of Economics; Agricultural and Food Economics
Telephone: 0725500930
Postal address:
Institutionen för ekonomi
Box 7013
750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Uppsala, Uppsala