CV page

Alejandra Lucia Figueredo Rodriguez

Alejandra Figueredo


I work as a teaching and research assistant at the Department of Urban and Rural Development, in the Division of Environmental Communication since January 2023. I completed my master's thesis in 2022 for the master's programme in Political Sciences at Uppsala University with the title "Bureaucratic legacies in Peace Agreements: A study on the pervasiveness of New Public Management doctrines in the Colombian Peace Agreement (2016)". My interests include collaborative governance and public management, public consultation and inclusion, and facilitation and conflict mediation. I am also interested in the link between peacebuilding and environmental governance.


I am involved as a teaching assistant in two courses in the Master's Programme in Environmental Communication and Management:

- Conflict, Democracy and Facilitation (15 ECTS)

- Engaging critically with environmental governance practices (15 ECTS)


  • MSc. (2022) Political Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  • PGDip. (2021) Business Management in the Social and Solidarity Sector (Specialisation Diploma), Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá DC, Colombia
  • PGDip. (2019) Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (Specialisation Diploma), Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá DC, Colombia
  • BSc. (2018) International Relations, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá DC, Colombia


Research Assistant at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Environmental Communication
Telephone: +4618673262, +46720858130
Postal address:
Inst för stad och land, Box 7012
Visiting address: Ulls väg 27, Uppsala