Aleksandar Vidakovic

My key interest areas are sustainable protein sources in modern aquaculture, fish nutrition and physiology, relationship between novel ingredients and feed processing technology in diets to fish and monogastric animals.
I work with biological assessment of alternative protein sources in diets for farmed fish, from single cell organisms to insects. My methodology include but are not limited to digestibility and growth performance trials and post-prandial blood nutrient profiles in salmonid fish. I have a particular interest in sustainable protein sources, derived from recirculated nutrients and their optimization for aquaculture applications.
As of 2019 I act as a head of feed technology laboratory at HUV where I focus on building competence within feed technology research, not only limited to farmed fish but also other monogastric animals. The laboratory is built around a twin-screw extruder suitable for producing small-scale dry feed batches. Special consideration is given to optimization of feed pellet quality in connection to novel ingredients in recipes for fish and other animals. My goal is to create a bridge between the nutrition and feed research in relation to novel, sustainable protein sources, thus contributing to, and acting as a part of complete biological evaluation platform present at SLU's Department for Animal Nutrition and Management.
Teaching (SLU) in BS and MS courses, lecturer in general aquaculture, fish nutrition, fish and pet food processing. Former course leader in HV0087 Dog and Cat Nutrition.
Past experience as teaching assistant at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) in MS courses of Aquaculture nutrition and Aquaculture Production and Health.
On-going projects:
Title | Project coordinators |
Anders Kiessling and Aleksandar Vidakovic |
Markus Langeland and Aleksandar Vidakovic |
Co-supervisor for PhD student:
Leon Niyibizi: Sustainable fish farming in Rwanda: Analysis of the local feed ingredients for Nile tilapia.
Main and co-supervisor for MSc students:
2016 Sofia Werner-Hallgren, SLU, Black soldier fly larvae in feed to Rainbow trout, nutritional potential and digestibility.
2018 Amanda Dahlberg, SLU, Digestibility of microbial protein sources in diet for rainbow trout.
2019 Nils Ewald, SLU, Fatty acid composition of black soldier fly larvae - impact of rearing substrate.
Ongoing- Xiaoqing Cui, SLU, Baltic blue mussel meal and black soldier fly as protein sources in fish feed.
Selected publications
Langeland, M., Vidakovic, A., Vielma, J., Lindberg, J.E., Kiessling, A. & Lundh, T. (2014) Digestibility of microbial and mussel meal for Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis). Aquaculture Nutrition, DOI: 10.1111/anu
Vidakovic, A., Langeland, M., Sundh, H., Sundell, K., Olstorpe, M., Vielma, J., Kiessling, A. & Lundh, T. (2015) Evaluation of growth performance and intestinal barrier function in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) fed yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), fungi (Rhizopus oryzae) and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis). Aquaculture Nutrition, DOI: 10.1111/anu.12344
Huyben, D., Vidakovic, A., Nyman, A., Langeland, M., Lundh, T. & Kiessling, A. (2016) Effects of dietary yeast inclusion and acute stress on post-prandial whole blood profiles of dorsal aorta-cannulated
rainbow trout. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry DOI 10.1007/s10695-016-0297-0
Huyben, D., Vidaković, A., Nyman, A., Langeland, M., Lundh, T.* & Kiessling, A. (2017). Effects of dietary yeast inclusion and acute stress on postprandial plasma free amino acid profiles of dorsal aorta cannulated rainbow trout. Aquaculture Nutrition 1-11, DOI: 10.1111/anu.12551.
Huyben, D., Nyman, A., Vidaković, A., Passoth, V., Moccia, R., Kiessling, A., Dicksved, J. & Lundh, T. (2017) Effects of dietary inclusion of the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Wickerhamomyces anomalus on gut microbiota of rainbow trout. Aquaculture, 473, 528-537.
Hultberg, M., Prade, T., Bodin, H., Vidakovic, A., Asp, H., (2018) Adding benefit to wetlands - valorization of harvested common reed through mushroom production. Science of The Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.106.
Huyben, D., Vidaković, A., Werner Hallgren, S., Langeland, M. (2019) High-throughput sequencing of gut microbiota in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed larval and pre-pupae stages of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens). Aquaculture, 500, 485-491.
Venkatakrishnan, V., Padra, J.T., Sundh, H., Sundell, K., Jin, C., Langeland, M., Carlberg, H., Vidakovic, A., Lundh, T., Karlsson, N.G., Lindén, S.K. (2019) Exploring the Arctic charr intestinal glycome: evidence for increased N-glycolylneuraminic acid levels and changed host-pathogen interactions in response to inflammation. Journal of Proteome Research. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00973
Publication list
Publication list at research gate.