Alexander Menegat

My research aims to investigate the effects of agricultural practices on agroecosystem functioning. Specifically, I focus on how cropping system diversification affects the composition of arable plant communities and subsequently their functional diversity. In my research, I use Functional Interpretation of Botanical Surveys (FIBS) to describe how agricultural practices shape weed communities. To translate this basic knowledge into agricultural practice, I use participatory methods in which farmers, extension agents, and researchers work together to design and evaluate cropping systems in short- and long-term field experiments. In addition to my core research areas, I have a broad interest in the environmental, social, and economic implications of agroecosystem management.
I am leading the Master course "Sustainable Plant Production". The course is part of the Master program in Plant Biology for Sustainable Production.
I am leading the following research projects:
- Farmer driven development of economically and environmentally sustainable weed control strategies against
blackgrass (Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning). (2024 - 2026) - IMPULSE - Fostering organic cultivation of grain legumes; a multi-scale feasibility study for soybean and lupin production in Sweden (FORMAS). (2019 - 2024)
- PADILSO - Participatory design of innovative crop management strategies for lupine and soybean production in organic farming (Ekhaga Foundation). (2022 - 2024)
- Preparing for the future: sustainable cropping systems without glyphosate (SLF). (2020 - 2023)
- Facilitating reduced and no-tillage organic grain legume production systems (EkoForsk). (2020 - 2023)
- Sustainable control of grass weeds in intensive cereal cropping systems (long-term trial financed by the NJ faculty, SLU). (2012 - 2022)
- EcoServ: Long-term evaluation of agroecosystem functioning along a cropping system diversification gradient (long-term trial financed by the NJ faculty). (2021 - )
- since 2023 Senior Lecturer (Docent) in Plant Ecology, SLU Department of Crop Production Ecology
- 2019 - 2023 Associate Senior Lecturer in Plant Ecology, SLU Department of Crop Production Ecology
- 2015 - 2019 Postdoctor at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Crop Production Ecology
- 2012 - 2015 Postdoctor at University of Hohenheim, Institute for Phytomedicine
- 2012 Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences, University of Hohenheim, Germany
- 2008 Master in Agricultural Sciences, University of Hohenheim, Germany, Major: Crop Science