CV page

Amanda Gabriel

Lecturer in Environmental Psychology, working with teaching and research at the Department of People and Society at SLU Alnarp & HUB Coordinator at SLU Urban Futures.


Amanda Gabriel is a lecturer in environmental psychology and a Master's program course leader. Her expertise extends beyond the classroom, as she spearheads transformative health research projects and discoursive analysis with transdisciplinary perspectives focused on urban environments.

Currently, Amanda works for the Department of People and Society and is working as a Visiting scholar at the University of Surrey. She also serves as a HUB Coordinator for SLU's Urban Futures platform, fostering collaboration within the Collaboration and Development unit. Her research interests lie in a pragmatic perspective using qualitative methods and transdisciplinary approaches. These methodologies equip her to explore the use and experience of place, ultimately aiming to leverage environmental psychology, landscape architecture and understanding of other disciplines for improved urban health.

Amanda's research explores how environments can be transformed to promote health experiences and behaviors, particularly for children. Her international research spans diverse areas, currentlu exploring the epistemologies and disciplinary identities within environmental psychology research. Other common topic if children's experiences and interactions with green spaces, urban environments, and digital spaces, with a focus on socially sustainable urban development.
Amanda co-produces the "Human-Land" environmental psychology podcast.

Mårtensson F., Ode Sang Å.,
Hedblom M., Wiström B., Litsmark,
A., Gabriel, A. (forthcoming) Listen, learn and modify - an interactive process of co-creating nature-based settings with children and experts in an outdoor landscape laboratory in Sweden  

Hållbar utevistelse vid storförskolor – ”HUS”

Digitala och Fysiska Lekmiljöer

Pálsdóttir, A.M., Gabriel, A., Digerfeldt, K., Borodina, I., Liedman, L., Peter, S., Redmo, L., Almqvist, S., Nilsson, K., Jeppson, S., Fragapane, S., Schimidt, A., Lundqvist, P., Weisend, A., Barret, L., Guardini, B., Alsadius, K., Axelsson, K., Georgii, E., Pousini, G., Thoma, E. and Dolling, A. (2022). Urban green spaces – the aspects of incorporating nature in urban planning for developing sustainable and resilient living environments. LTV-Fakultetens Faktablad nr 2. Inst. För Människa och samhälle (IMS), SLU.

Pálsdóttir, A.M., Litsmark, A.,  Engel, L., Jönsson, A., Mugove Matapo, A., Wetterberg, A., Larsson, L., Marcuson, A., Gabriel, Hansson, C., Hultin, L., Crawley, E., Bellman,  K., Nygårds, N., Neldeborn, E., Mui, K. and Lidfors, L. (2019). Nature and Animal assisted intervention. -Students´ perspective on nature and human health. LTV-Fakultetens Faktablad nr. 12, Inst. Arbetsvetenskap, ekonomi och miljöpsykologi, SLU



Master of Science in Landscape architecture with a focus on environmental psychology - SLU. Outdoor Environments for Health and Well-being.

Master of Arts in Media and Communication and the cultural industries, with a focus on critical discoursive analysis - Malmö University.

Bachelor's degree in literary studies, an interdisciplinary program focusing on humanities, social sciences and psychology - UNICAMP and Sorbonne Nouvelle.
