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Anna Berlin

Anna Berlin
I am an agronomist and Associated Professor in biology with specialization in plant pathology active at the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology. My research activities focus on plant health and sustainable crop production.


Plant diseases causes significant problems in plant production. In my research, I study population biology of plant pathogenic microorganisms to understand the occurrence, distribution, management and risks of plant diseases. My goal is to study "real" problems and at the same time be able to answer basic biological questions.


I am involved in teaching at based education in courses related to Plant Protection, Plant Pathology, and Molecular Ecology and Evolution courses (lectures, laboratory exercises, examination, and supervision of project work). Additionally, I served as the Director of studies for the BSc and MSc education in agricultural crop production and soil management at the NJ faculty between 2020-2022 (as deputy during 2017-2019). Currently I am the Director of studies of basic education at the Dept. Forest mycology and plant pathology. At PhD level, I have served the Director or study of the research school Organism biology 2023. Additionally, I teach and organize PhD courses and act as assistant supervisor to one PhD student. 


Plant disease epidemiology
Plant disease epidemiology is a subdiscipline within plant pathology, in which we explore the development of disease in plant populations. In my research, I aim to understand disease epidemics and identify methods to prevent or mitigate their impact on crop yields. Therefore, one of my main research areas is the population biology of plant pathogens. 
While epidemiology focuses on the understanding of the population biology of the pathogens, it is also important to understand the crop production system. Sustainable crop production demands a holistic approach and includes everything from understanding plant-pathogen interactions and the biology of plant pathogens to plant protection strategies and how the landscape composition affects the spread and development of diseases. The decisions about crop management made by farmers have an impact on both the treated field and the landscape. Understanding how different measures affect plant pathogens is crucial in developing effective crop management strategies. My research aims to understanding which of these factors that influence the occurrence, spread and management of plant diseases. To achieve this, we have conducted studies on fungal communities in the air and on plants, examining how microbial communities impact plant health. In addition, I have led the development of systematic maps for plant disease protection strategies in field-grown crops.
Cereal rust diseases
I have a special interest in the cereal rust diseases, which is a group of fungi responsible for significant crop losses in cereal production. Rust fungi have fascinating life cycles, often involving two host plants and five spore stages. Among these diseases is stem rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia graminis, which alternates between barberry and cereals and other grasses. I am particularly interested in understanding the biology of rust fungi when both host plants co-exist in the environment.





Senior Lecturer at the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology; Division of Plant Pathology/Epidemiology
Telephone: +4618-671569
Postal address:
Skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi , Box 7026
750 07 UPPSALA
Visiting address: Almas Allé 5, Uppsala