Anna Mårtensson

Curious of biological nitrogen fixation, nutrient cycling, food quality, organic farming, landfills or wine and viticulture? I may be able to answer some of your questions.
My research focus on the biologically/chemically mediated nutrient cycling in relation to plant fitness and productivity, which is of the greatest importance for a crop production of high quality. Questions recently covered have concerned nutrient supply in organic production.
Editor in Chief for Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B Soil & Plant science.
General secretary for Nordisk Jordbruksforskares Förening, NJF
Current research projects
- Strategies for safe tomato production -combined disease control through fertilisation, biofumigation and biological control
- Restoring optimal soil functionality in degraded areas within organic vineyards (ReSolve)
Current teaching duties
- Environmental consequences of energy systems, civ. engineering program
- Introduction to master´s studies, Master program
- How to write and publish a scientific paper, PhD course
University degrees
M. Sc. studies at the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences 1975-1979, Doctor's diploma 1986, associate professor ('docent') 1991, currently professor.
Selected publications
Mårtensson A, Karlsson T & Gustafsson J-G 2013 Swedish vineyards: a utopia? International Journal of Wine Research 5, 1-7.
Vinichuk M, Rosén K, & Mårtensson A 2013 Inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizae does not improve 137Cs uptake in crops grown in the Chernobyl region. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 126, 14-19.
Hossain S, Bergkvist G, Berglund K, Glinwood R, Kabouw P, Mårtensson An & Persson P 2014 Concentration- and time-dependent effects of isothiocyanates produced from Brassicaceaea shoot tissues on the pea root rot pathogen Aphanomyces euteiches. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62, 4584-4591.
Losak T, Hlusek J, Zatloukalova, Musilova L, Vitezova M, Skarpa P, Zlamalova T, Fryc J, Vitez T, Marecek J & Mårtensson A 2014 Digestate from biogas plants is an attractive alternative to mineral fertilization of kohlrabi. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 2, 309-318.
Hossain S, Bergkvist G, Robert Glinwood R, Berglund K, Mårtensson A, Hallin S & Persson P (2015) Brassicaceae cover crops reduce Aphanomyces pea root rot without suppressing genetic potential of microbial nitrogen cycling. Plant and Soil, in press.
Pospisilova L, Kominkova M, Zitka O, Kizek R, Barancikova G, Litavec T, Losak T, Hjlusek J, Martensson A & LIptaj T 2015 Fate of humic acids isolated from natural humic substances. Acta Agricultura Scandinavica, Section B, Soil and Plant Sciences, 65, 517-528.