Anna Rosander

Ongoing project:
”Getting to grips with the etiology of digital dermatitis”. Project leader. Formas 2021 – 2023.
Selected publications
Doctoral thesis:
Rosander A. (2004). Novel applications of shotgun phage display.Thesis
Rosander A, Albinsson R, König U, Nyman A, Frosth S. 2022. Prevalence of bacterial species associated with ovine footrot and contagious ovine digital dermatitis in Swedish slaughter lambs. Acta Vet Scand. Accepted 2022-02-20.
Nises J, Rosander A, Pettersson A, Backhans A. 2018. The occurrence of Treponemaspp. in gingival plaque from dogs with varying degree of periodontal disease. PLoS One. 13:e0201888. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0201888.
Frössling J, Rosander A, Björkman C, Näslund K, Pringle M. 2018. Detection of Treponema phagedenis-like antibodies in serum and bulk milk from cows with and without digital dermatitis. J Vet Diagn Invest. 30:86-92.
Karlsson F, Rosander A, Fellström C, Backhans A. 2017. Experimental inoculation of Treponema pedis T A4 failed to induce ear necrosis in pigs. Porcine Health Manag.
Mushtaq M, Bongcam-Rudloff E, Loftsdottir H, Pringle M, Segerman B, Zuerner R, Rosander A. 2016. Genetic analysis of a Treponema phagedenis locus encoding antigenic lipoproteins with potential for antigenic variation. Vet Microbiol. 189:91-8.
Mushtaq M, Manzoor S, Pringle M, Rosander A, Bongcam-Rudloff E. 2015. Draft genome sequence of 'Treponema phagedenis' strain V1, isolated from bovine digital dermatitis. Stand Genomic Sci. 10:67.
Rosander A, Guss B, Frykberg L, Björkman C, Näslund K, Pringle M. 2011. Identification of immunogenic proteins in Treponema phagedenis-like strain V1 from digital dermatitis lesions by phage display. Vet Microbiol. 153:315-22.
Rosander A, Guss B, Pringle M. 2011. An IgG-binding protein A homolog in Staphylococcus hyicus. Vet Microbiol. 149:273-6.
Rosander A, Connolly E, Roos S. 2008. Removal of antibiotic resistance gene-carrying plasmids from Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC 55730 and characterization of the resulting daughter strain, L. reuteri DSM 17938. Appl Environ Microbiol. 74:6032-40.
Bjerketorp J, Rosander A, Nilsson M, Jacobsson K, Frykberg L. 2004. Sorting a Staphylococcus aureus phage display library against ex vivo biomaterial. J Med Microbiol. 53:945-51.
Wall T, Roos S, Jacobsson K, Rosander A, Jonsson H. 2003. Phage display reveals 52 novel extracellular and transmembrane proteins from Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 20016(T). Microbiology. 149:3493-505.
Jacobsson K, Rosander A, Bjerketorp J, Frykberg L. 2003. Shotgun Phage Display - Selection for Bacterial Receptins or other Exported Proteins. Biol Proced Online. 5:123-135.
Rosander A, Frykberg L, Ausmees N, Müller P. 2003. Identification of extracytoplasmic proteins in Bradyrhizobium japonicum using phage display. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 16:727-37.
Rosander A, Bjerketorp J, Frykberg L, Jacobsson K. 2002. Phage display as a novel screening method to identify extracellular proteins. J Microbiol Methods. 51:43-55.
Zhang L, Rosander A, Jacobsson K, Lindberg M, Frykberg L. 2000. Expression of staphylococcal protein Sbi is induced by human IgG. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 28:211-8.
Albinsson R, Rosander A, König U, Nyman A, Aspán A, Averpil H-B, and Frosth S. (2021). Förekomst av Dichelobacter nodosus och fotröta hos svenska slaktlamm. Svensk Veterinärtidning nr 9, sidor 38-41.