CV page

Anna Skarin

Anna Skarin


Research interests:

My main focus is on reindeer movement and habitat selection within reindeer husbandry areas in the arctic and subarctic environments of Sápmi and Euraisa. I am interested in the drivers behind reindeer and reindeer husbandry land use, and how these drivers control the ability to utilize natural pastures and sustain viable production. I have studied how the habitat selection of both reindeer and freely ranging horses affects the landscape and biodiversity. I strive for a holistic perspective in my research, evaluating drivers within and from the system to create a comprehensive view and integrate multiple sustainability dimensions.

Research Goal:

To understand drivers of animal behavior, habitat selection and life history patterns, and specifically how human impact (from both herders and from human caused disturbance) affect reindeer behavior and use of the landscape.

Research Skills:  Co-production of knowledge together with stakeholders. Working with collecting, handling and analyzing large  (GPS) data set using open source software (R, QGIS, PostgreSQL), planning and conducting extensive fieldwork, design of pellet-group count inventories.

Activity in the scientific society:

Several referee-assignments for biological and ecological journals, such as Polar Biology, Ecography, Oecologica, Global Change Biology, Wildlife Biology, Mammalian biology, Ambio, PloSOne, Arctic, Rangifer and in the Orgnisation and Scientific committee for conferences, such as Arctic Ungulate Conference - AUC, Jokkmokk August, 2019

Editor-in-chief for the Rangifer journal

Activity with stakeholders outside the scientific society:

Expert on management issues concerning reindeer husbandry and infrastructure impact, give lectures to stakeholders connected environmental management and reindeer husbandry in Sweden.


Responsible for the bachelor course Reindeer biology and reindeer husbandry, HV0216 running every second autumn, the master course Research training and projects including laboratory animal science, HV0197, and the PhD-course Animal movements - from free ranging to restricted indoor environments, given the first time in autumn 2023.  

Teaching in PhD-courses (R and GIS courses at VH-faculty, SLU). Regularly give lectures in different topics related to reindeer husbandry and reindeer ecology. Supervise students conducting their Bachelor, Master thesis and various project works on reindeer topics in different courses.

Selected publications

Publication list (Google Scholar)


Professor at the Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare; Renskötsel
Telephone: +4618671954, +46735811366
Postal address:
Box 234
532 23 Skara
Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 19, Uppsala