Anna Sunding

I am currently working as a doctoral student in Landscape Governance and Management within the project ‘Governance Systems for Human Health & Wellbeing promoting Greenspace’ as a part of the project ‘NordGREEN – Smart Planning for Healthy and Green Nordic Cities’.
My work focuses on governance aspects in local governments - how Nordic municipalities work with both policies and strategic documents together with internal and external actors to integrate health and well-being issues in green space planning and management.
I have working experience as a landscape architect in local government technical departments, with a wide range of responsibilities from planning involvement to development projects and green space construction management. I have also worked as a project- and course assistant in various projects and courses in the landscape related educations at SLU.
My main interests include promoting sustainable management of public green space by integrating operational perspectives as a key for development in the process of planning, designing and managing existing and future green spaces.
Selected publications
Jansson, M. & Sunding, A. (2024) Children’s everyday recreational mobilities – growing up in a densifying Swedish small town, Local Environment, DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2024.2325079
Sunding, A., T.B. Randrup, Å.O. Sang, H. Nordh & K. Nilsson (2024) Descriptions of the relationship between human health and green infrastructure in six Nordic comprehensive plans. Cities. Volume 146, 104746.
Sunding, A. & T.B. Randrup (2024) Integrating health perspectives in municipal green space planning and management. In Borges, L.A., L. Rohrer & K. Nilsson (eds.) Green and healthy Nordic cities: How to plan, design, and manage health-promoting urban green space. Nordregio. DOI
Kyttä, M., T. Randrup, A. Sunding, S. Rossi, E. Harsia, J. Palomäki & A. Kajosaari (2023) Prioritizing participatory planning solutions: Developing place-based priority categories based on public participation GIS data. Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 239,
Randrup, T.B., J. Svännel, A. Sunding, M. Jansson & Å. Ode Sang (2021) Urban open space management in the Nordic Countries. Identification of current challenges based on manager's perceptions. Cities.
Randrup, T. B., Sunding, A., et al (2020) Monitoring urban green spaces in Sweden. LTV Reportseries 2020:5
Persson B., Lindholst A.C., Sunding, A., et al (2017) Kvalitetsaspekter vid upphandling av utemiljöförvaltning–en jämförelse mellan offentliga och privata förvaltare i Sverige och Danmark. LTV Reportseries 2017:2
Sunding, A., Fors, H., Randrup, T.B. (2016) Samsyn behövs på grönytors design och förvaltning, Tidskriften Landskap No. 4 2016
Ekelund et al (2012) Branschbeskrivning Trädgård, SLU, LTV