Annika Felton

My current research involves both ungulates and primates.
Ungulate ecology
Research into animal-plant interactions often provides insights of direct relevance to society. This is certainly the case in Sweden where large herbivores heavily influence the management and function of our forest ecosystems. My ongoing research projects in ungulate ecology are (you find more detailed information about these projects on my Swedish CV page):
- Relationships between ungulate densities, their forage and damage in the production forest (project Foodscape & Damage)
- The puzzle of forestry and ungulate interactions – a missing piece is in the understory (project ERICA)
- Beyond Moose: ecological interactions in Sweden’s diverse ungulate
communities and their future management - Nutritional balancing of the Nordic cervids, together with postdoc Robert Spitzer, SLU
- Silvilculture of oak and its natural regeneration, together with PhD student Nora Sophie Pohl
- Development of a national monitoring scheme of ungulate-caused bark damage to Norway spruce, together with the Swedish Forest Agency
Research projects recently finalized:
- Effects of supplementary feeding on moose health and forest damage in southern Sweden (project SUPPER)
- Interactive effects of agriculture and forestry on red deer damage in the landscape
- Understanding the nutritional drivers of moose health and impacts in the landscape
- The effect of different types of spruce stand cleaning measures on the creation of ungulate browse
- Cost of red deer damage in spruce stand in southern Sweden
- Effect of browsing and fire on the natural regeneration of oak
Other examples of my work in ungulate ecology includes feeding experiments with captive moose to identify their nutritional goal and priorities; field experiments that assess how different types of supplementary feeds influence the movements and subsequent browsing behaviour by wild ungulates; laboratory analyses of the nutritional contents of moose’ natural food items, as well as agricultural crops used in fodder fields and supplementary feeding of wild game; digestion trials using moose rumen liquid to better understand the nutritional value of different foods to moose.
Primate ecology
My PhD work on spider monkeys in Bolivia (see Background) has led to continued involvement in the field of primate ecology and conservation. I am involved in a book project as a co-author. The book is called "Primate Diet and Nutrition: Needing, Finding and Using Food", edited by Joanna Lambert and Jessica Rothman. I have written review articles about primate nutritional ecology and associated scientific approaches. I am frequently reviewing articles and grant applications about primate ecology and nutrition, as well as tropical forest ecology at large.
I am an assistant course leader for a third year course in forest conservation biology as part of the international BSc program Forests & Landscapes. I regularly provide lectures in three master-level courses given at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre (the Euroforester program); participate as a teacher in the course Forest Conservation Biology which is part of the MSc program Forest Management for Multiple Goals; and also teach for the course Sverigeresan, which is part of the Forest Science Program.
My teaching also involves the public and stakeholders. I participate in the communication project Vild & Bortskämd, a large collaborative initiative which aims to spread knowledge about how to create natually growing forage for wild ungulates in order to minimize damage and conflict. In this project we, for example, produce films and have workshops and excursions with stakeholders. Furthermore, together with my colleague Martin Ahlström I have created and held a one-day course called "Skog och Vilt i Balans", for employees in Swedish forestry industry; five course events Feb – Mar 2018 in southern Sweden (130 participants in total). Funded by Landsbygdsprogrammet (EU-funding).
Resources at our lab
- Access to laboratory at SLU where we conduct a diverse array of analyses of nutritional composition of plant and other biological samples.
- Access to near-infra red spectroscopy/ hyperspectral imaging and expertise in related modelling.
- In-house lab space for sample preparation and drying.
- Access to laboratory at SLU and elsewhere where we conduct DNA extraction, PCR and DNA metabarcoding of biological samples.
- At our department you find expertise in multiple disciplines: ecology, forestry, management, pathology and forest planning. I further collaborate closely with veterinarians and social scientists that are based at other departments at SLU or other universities.
- An extensive network of hundreds of hunters in >50 moose management units (älgskötselområden) in southern Sweden, with experience in collecting samples for research.
- Established channels for outreach of research results to stakeholders, which include forest owners, hunters, management groups and government agencies.
I finalized my PhD research in July 2008. That project was highly field intensive and involved reduced-impact logging in Bolivia, in relation to spider monkey (Ateles chamek) nutritional ecology and conservation. The candidacy was based at the Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Canberra. The project, for which the field work took place in a certified forestry concession, assessed the importance of timber tree species to spider monkeys in terms of diet and ecology, and the capacity of RIL to maintain a suitable habitat for seed dispersers such as spider monkeys. During this period I developed a special interest in the analysis of complex multidimensional nutritional data, which I have great use of in my current work on moose in Sweden. After the thesis was finalized, I worked as a post-doc at the Fenner School for three months until the birth of my second child. This post-doc involved writing publications about sustainable resource use in managed forests.
I conducted my BSc in Ecology and Conservation Biology through Uppsala University, Sweden (1994-2000). My MSc project assessed orangutan population density, forest structure and fruit availability in hand-logged and unlogged peat swamp forests in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. I have also gained research experience participating in projects in different parts of the world, e.g: population biology of sea-turtles, Great Barrier Reef, Australia; behavioral ecology of barnacle geese on Gotland, Sweden; river otter population survey, Sweden; botanical research in Brunei Darussalaam; landscape ecology research on peccaries and jaguars in Madidi National Park, Bolivia. The latter project was organized by Wildlife Conservation Society, and during this time I co-discovered a species of titi-monkey previously unknown to science. I was also part of the WCS team that raised US$650 000 for Madidi National Park by auctioning the naming rights of this new species (Callicebus aureipalatii).
I am the principal supervisor of PhD student Laura Juvany Canovas (project ERICA) and PhD student Lukas Graf (project Foodscape & Damage), and I co-supervise PhD student Anna Widén (project Beyond Moose) and Nora Sophie Pohl (oak management and ecology). I co-supervised Linda Petersson ("Promoting natural regeneration of oak by manipulating disturbance") and Robert Spitzer ("Trophic resource use and partitioning in multispecies ungulate communities") who both finished their PhDs in 2019. I also continuously supervise MSc students at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre.
Selected publications
Peer-reviewed scientific publications in international journals
- Widén, A., J. P. G. M. Cromsigt, S. Dressel, A. M. Felton, N. J. Singh, and F. Widemo. 2023. Direct and indirect effects of food, fear and management on crop damage by ungulates. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4:e12266.
- Juvany, L., P.-O. Hedwall, A.M. Felton, K. Öhman, M. Wallgren, C. Kalén, A. Jarnemo, H. Johansen, and A. Felton. 2023. From simple metrics to cervid forage: Improving predictions of ericaceous shrub biomass. Forest Ecology and Management 544:121120.
- Spitzer, R., C. Åström, A.M. Felton, M. Eriksson, E. L. Meisingset, E. J. Solberg, and C. M. Rolandsen. 2023. Coprophagy in moose: A first observation. Ecology and Evolution 13:e9757. DOI 10.1002/ece3.9757
- Spitzer, R., E. Coissac, J. P. G. M. Cromsigt, A. M. Felton, C. Fohringer, M. Landman, W. Neumann, D. Raubenheimer, N. J. Singh, P. Taberlet, and F. Widemo. 2023. Macro-nutritional balancing in a circumpolar boreal ruminant under winter conditions. Functional Ecology 14296:1365-2435. DOI 10.1111/1365-2435.14296
- Widén, A., A. Jarnemo, J. Månsson, J. Lilja, J. Morel, and A. M. Felton. 2022. Nutrient balancing or spring flush–What determines spruce bark stripping level by red deer? Forest Ecology and Management 520:120414. DOI 10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120414
- Epply, T.M. et al (117 co-authors in alphabetical order; I am # 36) 2022. Descending from the trees: Factors favoring transitions to terrestriality in primates of Madagascar and the Americas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119: 42, e2121105119. DOI 10.1073/pnas.2121105119
- Ara, M., A. M. Felton, E. Holmström, L. Petersson, M. Berglund, U. Johansson, and U. Nilsson. 2022. Pre-commercial thinning in Norway spruce-birch mixed stands can provide abundant forage for ungulates without losing volume production. Forest Ecology and Management 520:120364. DOI 10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120364
- Jarnemo, A., A. Widén, J. Månsson, and A. M. Felton. 2022. The proximity of rapeseed fields influences levels of forest damage by red deer. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 3:e12156.
- Felton, A. M., P.-O. Hedwall, A. Felton, F. Widemo, M. Wallgren, E. Holmström, E. Löfmarck, J. Malmsten, and H. Karine Wam. 2022. Forage availability, supplementary feed and ungulate density: Associations with ungulate damage in pine production forests. Forest Ecology and Management 513:120187. DOI 10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120187
- Widén, A., M. Clinchy, A. M. Felton, T. R. Hofmeester, D. P. J. Kuijper, N. J. Singh, F. Widemo, L. Y. Zanette, and J. P. G. M. Cromsigt. 2022. Playbacks of predator vocalizations reduce crop damage by ungulates. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 328:107853. DOI 10.1016/j.agee.2022.107853
- Stolter C, Joubert DF, Uunona N, Nghalipo E, Amputu V, Felton A.M. 2022. Effect of fire on the palatability of plants in an African woodland savanna: varying impacts depending on plant functional groups. PeerJ 10:e12721 DOI 10.7717/peerj.12721
- Felton, A., A. M. Felton, H. K. Wam, J. Witzell, M. Wallgren, M. Löf, J. Sonesson, M. Lindbladh, C. Björkman, K. Blennow, M. Cleary, M. Jonsell, M. J. Klapwijk, M. Niklasson, L. Petersson, J. Rönnberg, Å. O. Sang, F. Wrethling, and P.-O. Hedwall. 2022. Forest biodiversity and ecosystem services from spruce-birch mixtures: The potential importance of tree spatial arrangement. Environmental Challenges 6:100407
- Felton, A.M, Wam, H.K, Felton, A., Simpson, S.J., Stolter, C., Hedwall, P-O., Malmsten, J., Eriksson, T., Tigabo, M., and Raubenheimer, D. 2021. Macronutrient balancing in free-ranging populations of moose. Ecology & Evolution 00:1–18. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7909
- Månsson, J., Nilsson, L., Felton, A.M. and Jarnemo, A. 2021. Habitat and crop selection by red deer in two different landscape types. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 318: 107483
- Rautiainen, H., Bergvall, U.A., Felton, A.M., Tigabu, M. and Kjellander, P. 2021. Nutritional niche separation between native roe deer and the non-native fallow deer – a test of interspecific competition. Mammal Research.
- Felton, A., Hedwall, P-O., Trubins, R., Lagerstedt. J., Felton, A.M. and Lindbladh, M. 2021. Bird assemblage responses along a production forest conifer-broadleaf gradient. Forest Ecology and Management 494 (15): 119299
- Amato, K., Chaves, O.M., Mallott, E.K., Eppley, T.M., Abreu, F., Baden, A.L., Barnett, A.A., Bicca-Marques, J.C., Boyle, S.A., Campbell, C.J., Chapman, C.A., De la Fuente, M.F., Fan, P., Fashing, P.J., Felton, A.M., et al. 2021. Fermented food consumption in wild non-human primates and its ecological drivers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
- Barrere, J., Petersson, L.K., Boulanger, V., Collet, C., Felton, A.M., Löf, M. and S. Saïd. 2021. Canopy openness and exclusion of wild ungulates act synergistically to improve oak natural regeneration. Forest Ecology and Management 487: 118976.
- Spitzer, R., E. Coissac, A. M. Felton, C. Fohringer, M. Landman, N. J. Singh, P. Taberlet, F. Widemo, and J. P. G. M. Cromsigt. 2021. Small shrubs with large importance? Smaller deer may increase the moose-forestry conflict through feeding competition over Vaccinium shrubs in the field layer. Forest Ecology and Management 480: 118768.
- Spitzer R, Felton AM, Landman M, Singh NJ, Widemo F, Cromsigt JPGM (2020) Fifty years of European ungulate dietary studies: a synthesis. Oikos n/a. doi: 10.1111/oik.07435
- Petersson, L. K., D. C. Dey, A. M. Felton, E. S. Gardiner, and M. Löf. 2020. Influence of canopy openness, ungulate exclosure, and low-intensity fire for improved oak regeneration in temperate Europe. Ecology and Evolution 10:2626-2637. Doi: 10.1002/ece3.6092
- Felton, A. M., J. Malmsten, A. Felton, E. Holmström, J. P. G. M. Cromsigt, G. Ericsson, L. Edenius, F. Widemo, and H. K. Wam. 2020. Varied diets, including broadleaf forage, are important for a large herbivore species inhabiting highly modified landscapes. Scientific Reports. 10, Article number 1904. Doi:10.1038/s41598-020-58673-5.
- Felton, A., Löfroth, T., Angelstam, P., Gustafsson, L., Hjältén, J., Felton, A.M., Simonsson, P., Dahlberg, A., Lindbladh, M., Svensson, J., Nilsson, U., Lodin, I., Hedwall, P.O., Anna Sténs, Lämås, T., Brunet, J., Kalén, C., Kriström, B., Gemmel, P., Ranius, T. 2020. Keeping pace with forestry: Multi-scale conservation in a changing production forest matrix. Ambio. 49: 1050–1064. Doi: 10.1007/s13280-019-01248-0
- Felton, A., Petersson, L., Nilsson, O., Witzell, J., Cleary, M., Felton, A.M., et al. 2020. The tree species matters: Biodiversity and ecosystem service implications of replacing Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) production stands with Norway spruce (Picea abies). Ambio. 49:1035–1049. Doi: 10.1007/s13280-019-01259-x
- Petersson, L.K., Milberg, P., Götmark, F., Salk, C., Bergstedt, J., Felton, A.M., Dahlgren, J., Löf, M. 2019. Changing land use and increasing abundance of deer cause natural regeneration failure of oaks: six decades of landscape-scale evidence. Forest Ecology and Management. 444: 299-307. Doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.04.037
- Spitzer, R. Churski, M., Felton, A.M., Heurich, M., Kuijper, D.P.J., Landman, M., Rodriguez, E., Singh, N.J., Taberlet, P., van Beeck Calkoen, S., Widemo, F., Cromsigt, J.P.G.M. 2019. Doubting dung: eDNA reveals high rates of misidentification in diverse European ungulate communities. Eur. J. Wildlife Research. Doi: 10.1007/s10344-019-1264-8
- Malmsten, J. Dalin, A-M., Moutailler, S., Devillers, E., Gondard, M., Felton. A.M. 2019. Vector-borne zoonotic pathogens in Eurasian moose (Alces alces). Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. doi: 10.1089/vbz.2018.2277
- Felton, A. M., H. K. Wam, C. Stolter, K. M. Mathisen, and M. Wallgren. 2018. The complexity of interacting nutritional drivers behind food selection, a review of northern cervids. Ecosphere 9:e02230.
- Forbey, J.S. , R. Liu, T.T. Caughlin, M.D. Matocq, J.A. Vucetich, K.D. Kohl, M.D. Dearing, A.M. Felton. 2018. Using physiologically-based models to predict population responses to phytochemicals by wild vertebrate herbivores. Animal 12:383-398. doi: 10.1017/S1751731118002264
- Tigabu, M., and A. M. Felton. 2018. Multivariate calibration of near infrared spectra for predicting nutrient concentrations of solid moose rumen contents. Silva Fennica 52:1. doi:10.14214/sf.7822
- Krizsan, S. J., A. Mateos-Rivera, S. Bertilsson, A. M. Felton, A. Anttila, M. Ramin, M. Vaga, H. Gidlund, and P. Huhtanen. 2018. An in vitro evaluation of browser and grazer fermentation efficiency and microbiota using European moose spring and summer foods. Ecology and Evolution, 8:4183–4196. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3920
- Wam, H. K., A. M. Felton, C. Stolter, L. Nybakken, and O. Hjeljord. 2018. Moose selecting for specific nutritional composition of birch places limits on food acceptability. Ecology and Evolution 8:1117-1130. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3715.
- Hudson, L.N. et al. (multiple co-authors in alphabetical order). 2017. The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution 7 (1): 145-188. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2579
- Felton, A. M., A. Felton, L. Edenius, J. Cromsigt, J. Malmsten, and H. K. Wam. 2017 Interactions between ungulates, forests and supplementary feeding: the role of nutritional balancing in determining outcomes. Mammal Research 62(1):1-7. doi:10.1007/s13364-016-0301-1
- Felton A.M., Felton A, Raubenheimer D, Simpson SJ, Krizsan SJ, Hedwall P-O, et al. 2016. The nutritional balancing act of a large herbivore: an experiment with captive moose (Alces alces L). PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150870. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150870
- Felton, A., L. Gustafsson, J. M. Roberge, T. Ranius, J. Hjältén, J. Rudolphi, M. Lindbladh, J. Weslien, L. Rist, J. Brunet, and A. M. Felton. 2016. How climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies can threaten or enhance the biodiversity of production forests: Insights from Sweden. Biological Conservation 194:11-20. DOI 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.11.030
- Felton, A., P. O. Hedwall, M. Lindbladh, T. Nyberg, A. M. Felton, E. Holmström, I. Wallin, M. Löf, and J. Brunet. 2016. The biodiversity contribution of wood plantations: Contrasting the bird communities of Sweden’s protected and production oak forests. Forest Ecology and Management 365:51-60. DOI 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.01.030
- Felton A, Nilsson U, Sonesson J, Felton AM, Roberge J-M, Ranius T, et al. 2016. Replacing monocultures with mixed-species stands: Ecosystem service implications of two production forest alternatives in Sweden. Ambio;45(2):124-39. DOI 10.1007/s13280-015-0749-2
- Gustafsson, L., Felton, A., Felton, A. M., Brunet, J., Caruso, A., Hjältén, J., Lindbladh, M., Ranius, T., Roberge, J-M., Weslien, J-O. 2015. Natural versus national boundaries: The importance of considering biogeographical patterns in forest conservation policy. Conservation Letters 8:50-57. DOI:10.1111/conl.12087.
- Lindbladh, M., Hedwall, P-O., Wallin, I., Felton, A.M, Böhlenius, H. & Felton, A. 2014. Short-rotation bioenergy stands as an alternative to spruce monocultures: Implications for bird biodiversity. Silva Fennica 48 (5), DOI 10.14214/sf.1135.
- Hudson, L.N. et al. (multiple co-authors in alphabetical order). 2014. The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial bioviersity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution 4(24):4701-35. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1303.
- Raubenheimer, D., Machovsky-Capuska. G., Felton, A. M., and Simpson, S. J. 2014. Nutritional geometry: from insects to ruminants. Proc. Austr. Soc. Anim. Prod. 30:32-36.
- DeGabriel, J.L., Moore B.D., Felton, A.M., Ganzhorn, J.U., Stolter, C., Wallis, I.R., Johnson, C.N. & Foley, W.J. 2014. Translating nutritional ecology from the laboratory to the field: milestones in linking plant chemistry to population regulation in mammalian browsers. Oikos. 123: 298–308. DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2013.00727.x
- Felton, A., Lindbladh, M., Elmberg, J., Felton, A.M., Andersson, E., Sekercioglu, C.H., Collingham, Y. & Huntley, B. 2014. Projecting impacts from anthropogenic climatic change on the bird communities of southern Sweden’s spruce monocultures: Will the species-poor get poorer? Ornis Fennica. 90:1-13.
- Felton, A.M, Felton, A., Rumiz, D.I., Villaroel, N., Chapman, C.A., Lindenmayer, D.B. 2013. Commercial harvesting of Ficus timber – an emerging threat to frugivorous wildlife and sustainable forestry. Biological Conservation 159:96-100. DOI 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.10.025
- Wallis, I.R., Edwards, M.J., Windley, H., Krockenberger, A.K., Felton, A.M., et al. 2012. Food for folivores – nutritional explanations linking diets to population density. Oecologia, 169:281-291. DOI 10.1007/s00442-011-2212-9
- Driscoll, D.A., Felton, A., Gibbons, P., Munro, N.T., Felton, A.M, Lindenmayer, D.B. 2011. Priorities in policy and management when existing biodiversity stressors interact with climate-change. Climatic Change, 111(3-4):533-557. DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0170-1
- Felton, A.M, Felton, A., Foley, W.J., Lindenmayer, D.B. 2010. The role timber tree species play in the nutritional ecology of spider monkeys (Ateles chamek). Forest Ecology and Management 259(8):1642-1649. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2010.01.042
- Felton, A., Fischer, J., Lindenmayer, D.B., Montague-Drake, R., Lowe, W.R., Saunders, D., Felton, A.M. et al. 2009. Climate change, conservation and management: An assessment of the peer-reviewed scientific journal literature. Biodiversity Conservation 18:2243-2253. DOI 10.1007/s10531-009-9652-0
- Felton, A.M., Felton, A., Wood, J.T., Foley, W.J., Raubenheimer, D., Wallis, I.R, Lindenmayer, D.B. 2009. Nutritional ecology of spider monkeys (Ateles chamek) in lowland Bolivia: How macro-nutrient balancing influences food choices. International Journal of Primatology 30: 675-696. DOI 10.1007/s10764-009-9367-9
- Felton, A.M., Felton, A., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S.J., Foley, W.J., Wood, J.T., Wallis, I.R., Lindenmayer, D.B. 2009. Protein content of diets dictates the daily energy intake of a free-ranging primate. Behavioural Ecology 20: 685-690. DOI 10.1093/beheco/arp021
- Felton, A.M. Felton, A., Lindenmayer, D.B., Foley, W.J. 2009. Nutritional goals of wild primates. Functional Ecology 23:70-78. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2008.01526.x
- Felton, A.M., Felton, A., Wood, J.T., Lindenmayer, D.B. 2008. Diet and feeding ecology of the Peruvian spider monkey (Ateles chamek) in a Bolivian forest: The importance of Ficus as a staple food resource. International Journal of Primatology 29:379-403. DOI 10.1007/s10764-008-9241-1
- Felton, A, Wood, J, Felton, A.M et al. 2008. Bird community responses to reduced-impact logging in a certified forestry concession in lowland Bolivia, Biological Conservation 141:545-555. DOI 10.1016/j.biocon.2007.11.009
- Felton, A, Wood, J, Felton, A.M et al. 2008. A comparison of bird communities in the anthropogenic and natural-tree fall gaps of a reduced-impact logged forest in Bolivia, Bird Conservation International 18:129-143. DOI 10.1017/S0959270908000117
- Felton, A, Felton, A.M et al. 2008. The display of a reddish hermit (Phaethornis ruber) in a lowland rainforest, Bolivia. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120(1):201-204. doi:
- Lindenmayer, D.B, Fischer, J, Felton, A, Montague, R, Manning, AD, Simberloff, D, Youngentob, K, Saunders, D, Wilson, D, Felton, A.M, et al. 2007. The complementarity of single-species and ecosystem-oriented research in conservation research, Oikos, 116(7):1220-1226. DOI 10.1111/j.2007.0030-1299.15683.x
- Felton, A, Felton, AM, Hennessey, B.A. & Lindenmayer, D.B. 2007. Birds surveyed in the harvested and unharvested areas of a reduced-impact logged forestry concession, located in the lowland forests of Bolivia, Check List 3(1):43-50. DOI:
- Felton, A, Felton, A.M, Woods, J. & Lindenmayer, D.B. 2006. Vegetation structure, phenology, and regeneration in the natural and anthropogenic tree-fall gaps of a reduced-impact logged Bolivian forest. Forest Ecology Management, 235: 186-193.
- Felton, A, Felton, A.M, Wallace, R.B. & Gomez, H. 2006. Identification, behavioral observations, and notes on the distribution of the Titi monkeys Callicebus modestus and C. olallae. Primate Conservation, 20: 41-46. doi:
- Wallace, R.B, Gomez, H, Felton, A.M & Felton, A. 2006. On a new species of Titi monkey from Bolivia. Primate Conservation 20: 29-39. doi:
- Felton, A, Alford, R.A, Felton, A.M & Schwarzkopf, L. 2006. Multiple mate choice criteria and the importance of age for male mating success in the microhylid frog, Cophixalus ornatus. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 59(6): 786-795. DOI 10.1007/s00265-005-0124-6
- Felton, A.M, Engström, L.M., Felton, A. & Knott, C.D. 2003. Orangutan Pongo p. pygmaeus population density, forest structure and fruit availability in hand-logged and unlogged peat swamp forests in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biological Conservation 114(1): 91-101. doi:10.1016/S0006-3207(03)00013-2
Original contributions to refereed scientific conferences
- Forbey, J.S. , R. Liu, T.T. Caughlin, M.D. Matocq, J.A. Vucetich, K.D. Kohl, M.D. Dearing, A.M. Felton. Using physiologically-based models to predict population responses to phytochemicals by wild vertebrate herbivores. Accepted in Animal on 02 August 2018. Invited keynote lecture delivered ny Annika M. Felton and Jennifer S. Forbey at the International Symposium for the Nutrition of Herbivores (ISNH), Cleremont-Ferrand, 5th September 2018.
- Krizsan, S. J., Felton, A.M., Ramin, M., Anttila, A., Vaga, M., Gidlund, H. and Huhtanen, P. 2013. A comparison of herbivore digestion efficiency in vitro using moose spring and summer foods. Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Feed Science Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-13 June 2013. Eds Uden, P., Eriksson, T. Rustas, B. O. et al. pp 118-122. (project concept, experimental design, field & lab work, results interpretation, writing & editing).
Book chapters
- Felton, A.M., Lambert, J. In process. The role of different nutrients in the food choice of primates. In: Primate diet and nutrition: needing, finding and using food. Eds. Lambert, J.E. and Rothman, J. University of Chicago Press.
- Shimooka, Y., Campbell, C.J., Di Fiore, A., Felton, A.M, et al., 2008. Demography and group composition of Ateles. In: Spider monkeys: behavior, ecology and evolution of the genus Ateles. Ed. Campbell, C.J. Cambridge University Press. Pp: 329-348.
Master and bachelor theses I have supervised
- Nowak, J. 2023. Day or night? Testing thermal imaging technology for estimating ungulate population densities in southern Sweden. Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, SLU Alnarp. MSc. (with Robert Spitzer)
- Ericsson, M. 2023. For the camera: In a wild range of forages, what do you choose to eat, my deer? Use of video collars to study foraging behaviour in wild deer. Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies, SLU Umeå. MSc. (with Robert Spitzer)
- Åhström, C. 2022. The secret life of moose -Patterns of foraging and behaviour based on video collars. Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies, SLU Umeå. MSc. (with Robert Spitzer)
- Trapp, A. 2022. Fibre content in moose faeces. A comparison between free-ranging and captive moose in Sweden. Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SLU Uppsala. MSc (with Heidi Rautiainen)
- Åsberg, T. 2022. Is grazing damage in young pine stands affected by the amount of Ericaceous shrubs in the area? Institutionen för Skog och träteknik, Linnéuniversitetet. BSc (med Daniel Nilsson & Johanna Witzell)
- Sayn, A. 2021. The effect of forestry and cervid densities on annual growth of ericaceous shrub species. Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, SLU Alnarp. MSc.
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