Annika Nordin

I am Program Director for Future Forests and Deputy Program Director for Trees and Crops for the Future (TC4F). Future Forests is one of SLU's future platforms that combine disciplines in natural, social and human sciences to research sustainable forestry. TC4F connects basic and applied research in plant science to enable increased forest growth.
My research focuses on how forest management can be designed to realize the potential of forests. The society is setting higher expectations for the forest to deliver a variety of ecosystem services. At the same time the forest is a habitat for many threatened species. An important goal of my own research, within the frameworks of the two research programs I am leading, is to develop science-based forest management tailored for goals that combine forest production and environmental values.
Both Future Forests and TC4F include research communication and collaboration with community actors. The ongoing campaign #vimåsteprataomskogen communicates research results through social media and film.
I have a MSc in forestry and thereafter a PhD in forest plant physiology (in 1998). After a two-year post-doc period at the Ecosystems Center in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, I established myself at SLU. My early research was about how nitrogen access controls ecophysiological processes that are important for trophic interactions linked to forest field vegetation. Based on ecophysiology, I have today landed in research issues that deal with different aspects of forest management.
I supervise both MSc and PhD students.
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