CV page

Ararso Etana

Ararso Etana
My research activities include effects of soil management on soil physical properties, crop yield, environment and climate. My teaching mainly involves basic soil science (soil physics) and soil management (soil tillage) and supervision.


Ongoing projects

  1. Tillage effects on soil organic carbon and phosphorus stratification and storage in Swedish soils, financed by FORMAS (The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning.
  2. Management of grass buffer strips for effective retention of nutrients, financed by SLF (Swedish Farmers´ foundation for Foundation for Agricultural Research).
  3. Controlled traffic farming - yield potential and effects on soil structure, financed by SLF (Swedish Farmers´ foundation for Foundation for Agricultural Research).

Tipping bucket system & flow proportional sampling in project 2 (see ongoing projects).

Selected publications


Researcher at the Department of Soil and Environment; Mark och miljö, Markmekanik och jordbearbetning
Telephone: +4618671259
Postal address:
Box 7014
750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9, Uppsala