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Åsa Ranlund

Åsa Ranlund


I have a broad interest in ecology, but especially focus on changes in the conditions for biodiversity.


I taught botany and conservation biology 2013-2018 at the Department of Ecology, SLU.

Environmental analysis

I work as an analyst for National Inventories of Landscapes in Sweden (NILS) which include national inventories of grasslands, deciduous forests, seashores and the alpine region above the treeline.


Analyst with NILS since 2018.

PhD 2017 at the Department of Ecology, SLU. My thesis subject was how species connected to trees are affected by forestry measures:  epiphytic lichens on retention trees and beetles in tree stumps.


Environmental Assessment Specialist leave of absence at the Department of Forest Resource Management; Division of Landscape Analysis, joint staff
Telephone: +46907868223, +46722298788
Postal address:
Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning
Avdelningen för landskapsanalys
901 83 Umeå
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd, Uppsala

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