Brandon D Velie
My research interests include both genetics and behavior with particular focus on horses. My research goal is to improve animal welfare through the application of both modern (e.g. next generation sequencing, whole-genome scans) and traditional genetic methodologies. Although these methodologies have been successfully applied to production traits in a range of species, I believe that their true potential has yet to be fully achieved. The application of modern and traditional genetic selection to traits associated with animal well-being can not only provide additional economic gains, but also favorably impact the lives of the animals within each industry.
Year Degree Institution
2014 PhD (Equine Genetics) The University of Sydney, Australia
2007 MS (Animal Science) North Carolina State University, USA
2005 BS (Animal Science) North Carolina State University, USA
Professional Experience:
- Jan 2015 – present. Post-doctoral Researcher, Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
- Jul 2010 – Dec 2014. PhD Student, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, The University of Sydney, Australia
- Jul 2008 - Jun 2010. Horsemanship & Horse Management Program Director, Colorado Northwestern Community College, Colorado, USA
- Jan 2007 – Jun 2008. Math & Science Tutor, Raleigh Learning and Language Clinic, North Carolina, USA
- Aug 2005 – May 2007. Masters Student, North Carolina State University, USA
- Aug 2001 – Aug 2005. Agricultural Support - NCSU Equine Educational Unit, North Carolina State University, USA
Awards and Honors
Year Name of award
2012 International Society for Animal Genetics Travel Bursary
2012 Eric Horatio Maclean Scholarship
2009 – 2010 CNCC Outstanding Service Award
2006 - 2007 Biological Sciences Teaching Assistantship
2005 - 2006 Biological Sciences Teaching Assistantship
Other Positions and Interest
July 2012 – Dec 2014 Repository X-rays assistant, Randwick Equine Centre
Jan 2012 – Dec 2014 Horse Handler/Loader, Inglis Bloodstock
Nov 2010 – Dec 2014 SWAB Steward, Racing NSW
Aug 2005 – Jun 2008 Assistant Trainer, Cool Breeze Stables-Thoroughbred Racing
Selected publications
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
16. Axling JM, Castle K, Velie BD, Tammen I, Thomson PC, Hamilton NA, Raadsma HW, Lindgren G, Jeffcott LB, Nicholas FW (2016) Use of diagnostic reports to estimate prevalence and distribution of skeletal lesions in young Thoroughbreds. Vet J DOI:10.1016/j.tvjl.2016.03.022
15. François L, Jäderkvist Fegraeus K, Eriksson S, Andersson LS, Tesfayonas YG, Viluma A, Imsland F, Buys N, Mikko S, Lindgren G, Velie BD (2016) Conformation traits and gaits in the Icelandic horse are associated with genetic variants in Myostatin (MSTN). J Hered. pii: esw031
14. Velie BD, Shrestha M, Franҫois L, Schurink A, Tesfayonas YG, Stinckens A, Blott S, Ducro BJ, Mikko S, Thomas R, Swinburne JE, Sundqvist M, Eriksson S, Buys N, Lindgren G (2016) Using and Inbred Horse Breed in a High Density Genome-wide Scan for Genetic Risk Factors of Insect Bite Hypersensitivity (IBH). PlosOne DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0152966
13. Finn JL, Haase B, Willet CE, van Rooy D, Chew T, Wade CM, Hamilton NA, Velie BD (2016) The relationship between coat colour phenotype and equine behaviour: a pilot study. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 174, 66-69.
12. Velie BD, Hamilton NA, Wade CM (2016) Heritability of racing durability traits in the Australian and Hong Kong Thoroughbred racing populations. Equine vet J. 48, 275-279.
11. Jäderkvist K, Johansson L, Mäenpää Minna, Mykkänen A, Andersson LS, Velie BD, Andersson L, Arnason T, Lindgren G. (2015) Different DMRT3 genotypes are best adapted for harness racing and riding in Finnhorses. J Hered 106, 734-740.
10. Velie BD, K Jäderkvist, F Imsland, A Viluma, LS Andersson, S Mikko, S Eriksson, G Lindgren (2015) Frequencies of polymorphisms in myostatin (MSTN) vary in Icelandic horses according to the use of the horses. Anim Genet 46, 467-468.
9. Velie BD, Hamilton NA, Wade CM (2015) Heritability of racing performance in the Australian Thoroughbred racing population. Anim Genet 46, 23-29.
8. Velie BD, Hamilton NA, Wade CM (2015) Performance selection for Thoroughbreds racing in Hong Kong. Equine vet J. 47, 43-47.
7. Velie BD, Raadsma HW, Wade CM, Knight PK, Hamilton NA (2014) Heritability of epistaxis in the Australian Thoroughbred racehorse population. Vet J 202, 274-278.
6. Velie BD, Hamilton NA, Wade CM (2013) Heritability of track condition affinity in the Australian Thoroughbred racing population. Proc. Assoc. Advmt. Anim. Breed. Genet. 20, 491-494.
5. Velie BD, Stewart BD, Lam K, Wade CM, Hamilton NA (2013) Profiling the careers of Thoroughbred horses racing in Hong Kong between 2000 and 2010. Equine vet J. 45, 694-699.
4. Velie BD, Knight PK, Wade CM, Hamilton NA (2013) The association of age at first start with career length in the Australian Thoroughbred racehorse population. Equine vet J.45, 410-413.
3. Velie BD, Wade CM, Hamilton NA (2013) Profiling the careers of Thoroughbred horses racing in Australia between 2000 and 2010. Equine vet J.45, 182-186.
2. Velie BD, Cassady JP, Whisnant CS (2012) Endocrine response to acute stress in pigs with differing backtest scores. Livest Sci.145, 140-144.
1. Velie BD, Maltecca C, Cassady JP (2009) Genetic relationships among pig behavior, growth, backfat, and loin muscle area. J. Anim. Sci. 87(9), 2767-2773.
1. Velie B. (2016) A genetic approach to improving the lives of racing Thoroughbreds. Equine vet J. 48, 270-271.