Carin Martiin

I teach at bachelor, master- and PhD levels and work with programs, courses and guest lecturers. At the moment I work with courses about ‘The history of agriculture and the countryside’ (primarily students at the rural development programme), ‘Historical landscapes’ (landscape architect programme) and ‘Twentieth century agricultural economy and politics’ (agronomy students in economy and rural development, respectively, and master students from Sweden and abroad). I am also giving a PhD course in cross-disciplinary perspectives.
My current research follows two main paths, on the one hand dairy cattle, dairy farming and the dairy sector in the 20th c. On the other hand I am engaged in agricultural and rural politics and changes in methods of production during the 20th century. Focus is primarily on Sweden, although with an approach that connects to international conditions and how Swedish agrarian history can be understood in comparison with other countries. I am very pleased to have the ability to collaborate with colleagues in Spain, France and England, among others.
In agronomist with wide fields of interests. For many years I have worked with practical farming and in various parts of the Swedish agricultural sector. In 2005 I got a PhD degree (dairy farming from late 19th to early 20th c) at SLU, and since 2010 I am docent in Economic History (Stockholm University). Since 2012 I have the position as associate professor in Agrarian History at SLU.
I supervise essays and theses at various levels, from candidate to PhD.
Selected publications
In review process:
Martiin, C. 2016. ‘From Farmer to Dairy Farmer: Swedish dairy farming from the late 1920s to 1990’. In review for Historia Agraria.
On publication:
Martiin, C. ‘Rural Electrification in Sweden: A comparison’. In Transforming the Countryside: The electrification of rural Britain, Brassley, P; Burchardt, J. and Sayer, K. (Eds.) Farnham: Ashgate, and Routledge. To be published 2016.
Martiin, C. ‘Specialization in Dairying: A rapid process in Denmark but a drawn-out process in Sweden’, in Herment, L. & Antoine, A. (Eds.) Agricultural Specialisation and Rural Patterns of Development. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. To be published 2016.
Peer reviewed internationally published books and book chapters:
Martiin, C, Pan-Montojo, J, Brassley, P. (Eds.), 2016. Agriculture in capitalist Europe, 1945-1960: From food shortages to food surpluses. Farnham: Ashgate, and Routledge.
Martiin, C. 2016. ‘Farm labour in the urban-industrial Swedish welfare state’, in Martiin, C, Pan-Montojo, J, Brassley, P. (Eds.), Agriculture in capitalist Europe, 1945-1960: From food shortages to food surpluses. Farnham: Ashgate, and Routledge, pp. 246-263.
Brassley, P., Martiin, C. Pan-Montojo, J. 2016. ‘European agriculture 1945-1960’, in Martiin, C, Pan-Montojo, J, Brassley, P. (Eds.), Agriculture in capitalist Europe, 1945-1960: From food shortages to food surpluses. Farnham: Ashgate, and Routledge, pp. 1-20.
Brassley, P., Martiin, C. Pan-Montojo, J. 2016. ‘Similar means to secure postwar food supplies across Western Europe’, in Martiin, C, Pan-Montojo, J, Brassley, P. (Eds.), Agriculture in capitalist Europe, 1945-1960: From food shortages to food surpluses. Farnham: Ashgate, and Routledge, pp. 267-274.
Martiin, C. 2013. The World of Agricultural Economics: An introduction, Oxon: Routledge, 350 p.
Martiin, C. 2012 ‘Farming, favoured in times of fear: Swedish agricultural politics 1935-55’, in Brassley P, Segers, Y. Van Molle L, (eds.), War, Agriculture and Food: Rural Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s, New York: Routledge, pp. 156-171.
Martiin, C. 2009. ‘A Swedish Success Story Supported by Smallholders: The increase in milk production, 1866-1913’, in Segers, Y, Bieleman, J, and Buys, E, (eds.) Exploring the Food Chain: Food production and food processing in Western Europe 1850-1980. Corn Publication Series. Comparative Rural History of the North Sea Area. Turnhout: Brepol publishers, pp. 77-96.
Peer reviewed articles in international journals
Martiin, C. 2015. ‘Modernized farming but stagnated production: Swedish farming in the 1950’s emerging welfare state’, Agricultural History (US), no 4, winter 2015, pp. 559-583.
Sundström, J.F. et al, 2014. ‘Future threats to agricultural food production posed by environmental degradation, climate change, and animal and plant diseases – a risk analysis in three economic and climate settings´’, in Food Security: The Science, Sociology and Economics of Food Production and Access to Food, pp. 201-215.
Martiin, C. 2010. ‘Swedish Milk, a Swedish Duty: Dairy marketing in the 1920s and 1930s’ in Rural History, 21 (2), pp. 213-232.
Martiin, C. 2008. ‘Milk as Payment for Farm Labour: The dairy economy of a Swedish estate 1874-1913, in Agricultural History Review, 56 (2), pp. 167-188.
Books and book chapters in Swedish
Martiin, C. (2011) ’Genom landskapet i kornas spår: mjölkkorna har varit nyckelfigurer i det gångna seklets förändrade markanvändning’, i Antonson, H. & Jansson, U. (red.) Jordbruk och skogsbruk i Sverige sedan år 1900: studier av de areella näringarnas geografi och historia. Stockholm: Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien, pp. 189-206. Also in English translation by the same publisher, pp. 198-216.
Martiin, C, red. (2009) Den svenska fårskötselns äldre historia: några kapitel ur Ull och ylle av Sven T. Kjellberg, Stockholm: Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien.
Martiin, C. (2005) Kor och människor. Nötkreatursskötsel och besättningsstorlekar på torp och herrgårdar 1850-1914. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae 2005:105 and Gidlunds. (Published as Israelsson, C.).